The Public Domain Project
"I think Wikipedia is one of the greatest inventions ever!" I bet you thought you'd never hear a professor say that. But when thinking deeper about the information highway, what I really love is that with a tad bit of effort you can find anything. The Public Domain Project over at Pond5 has so far collected 10,000 film clips, 64,000 images and hundreds of audio files free for public access. But what does one have access to exactly? “The project includes digital models of NASA tools and satellites, Georges Méliès’ 1902 film, A Trip To The Moon, speeches by political figures like Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King, Jr., recordings of performances from composers like Beethoven," boasts one of its bloggers. There are also every one's favorite cat videos . . . Very early cat videos. Open Culture imagines that some future creator "could make creative use of this stuff indeed, and if they need a score, they could use a concerto for pizzic...