MLA Made Easy?
Every time you use someone else's ideas or words you must follow it with an in-text citation and an entry on the Works Cited page. "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel" (Gibson 1). Note that this is a direct quote, so it has quotation marks and is immediately followed by an in-text citation (Gibson 1) and that the punctuation (the period) follows the in-text citation. Gibson is the author's last name and the quote was found on page one. Also notice there is no comma between the author's last name and the page number. When readers see the in-text citation it clues them that there will be an entry on the Works Cited page that begins with Gibson. The works cited entry for the above quote looks like this: Works Cited Gibson, William. Neuromancer . New York: Ace, 1984. Print. Note that the book's title is italicized . Every period, colon, and comma are important so be sure you put them in the right place. ...