Why don't you talk to me?
Sherry Turkle, an author and M.I.T. professor of Science, Technology, and Society recently wrote in "Stop Googling. Let's Talk" that college age students cannot carry on a face-to-face conversation. She cites plenty of statistics to show that most believe that using "phones in social settings hurt the conversation," but apparently we either don't care, don't know how to carry on a conversation, or can't put them down. There are plenty of anecdotes from young people who want the fairy tale life where families sit around the dinner table and share their day while speaking "enthusiastically" about the rule of three--at least three people must be conversing before you can check your phone. According to Turkle, this loss of conversation leads to a loss of empathy and an inability to just be quiet with one's thoughts. We must be secure with ourselves before "we are able to really hear what other people have to say." But ...