Top Ten Interview Questions
You are getting ready to graduate and the ever-dreaded job interview is coming up. Interview Success Formula lists the Top Ten Interview Questions You Must Know How to Answer and it would be a good idea for you to prepare some responses before you hit the halls. Interview Success goes into some detail about how to answer the Top 10 Questions and provides real-world examples. Here's a brief preview: Interview Question 1. "Tell me something about yourself?" A. Don't go blathering on. List your top characteristics and motivations and then connect them to specific job strengths related to the open position. Interview Question 2. "Walk me through your resume." A. Umm, yeah, you should know every component of your resume and have something pithy to say about each position, job skill, and experience. Be sure to highlight the items related to the job you are seeking. Interview Question 3: "What makes you better than other candidates?" A. Ugh,...