Reading with Attitude

What were your early attitudes toward reading as you were growing up? Who do you think most shaped or affected your attitudes toward reading?


  1. As a child I was never forced to read, and I think that is why I liked reading. Sometimes when you force something upon a child they will hate it. In the third grade my teacher would read poetry to my class once a week. My teacher was a very passionate towards literature and that made me aspired. My mother does not read or write in English, so growing up i knew I had to teach myself. When I tough myself I eventually found out that reading was the only way to gain Knowledge and information. I love reading and it should not be a requirement but a Privilege because not everyone can read.

  2. Growing up I never really enjoyed reading because I felt that I had better things to do than reading.A few problems that I found with reading is that I never really liked a lot of books I was and always will be very picky with the kinds of books I read. When I was in 7th grade my English teacher pushed me so much to read because we had a lot reading assignments, but still it never inspired me to read books. I think that the only time I ever read books is when i actually have to for an assignment in class or if by any chance i come across a book that is very catchy to me. I find myself to be inspired by book about real stories about real life people. What shaped my attitude towards reading has been nothing yet. I still do not like reading books and I am not sure if i will ever develop such interest in reading books.

  3. Growing up I actually really didn't like reading. I would do whatever I could to avoid it. I felt like I was a really slow reader, I would get really shaky and nervous mix up words, I still get nervous sometimes and I'd stumble upon my words, but I definitely enjoy reading now more than before.

  4. While I was growing up, my mom and dad read to me almost every night. They read me Dr. Seuss and Winnie the Pooh when I was really young, and Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings as I got older. My third grade teacher read us Mossflower, and I absolutely loved it. She also had an assignment where we wrote our own book, and that's one of the things that really shaped my love for reading and writing.

  5. I really like reading when i was a kid, but i have a problem to get a book in my village. my father get me local newspapers twice a month ordered from the town. i started reading cartoons section and political graphic short story from newspaper. When i was a middle school,on summer, i was reading the whole day. it was the first time i started reading English and learned by myself. At that time it was really hard to get English book. i read many book as much as i can in my free time. Although I still like reading, I was not reading much from last six years ago. even though i can't read much now, i have a beneficial from reading at my middle school age. I have been expecting to get more reading time like i read in my childhood life.

  6. Reading and I have always had very good relationship. We are a kindred spirit, though of course not in actual sense but reading has always helped me in many ways. Through reading I learned things that my parents and school never taught me, I had a friend in reading that I never had in real life. When I was sad, angry, and or scared I would turn to reading as my escape, where I could get lost in a whole new magical and wonderful world full of love, adventure, and mystery at every corner. I never got bored of reading for every book had something different to offer, and reading never abandoned me as I learned people would. So growing up reading was essential in my life for who would I be if it was not for reading?---> yours Elena

  7. When I was growing up, I absolutely loved to read. I still do. When I was very young my mother would take away the antenna for our analog television as punishment. When I got to the age of 7 my mom started taking away my books. My siblings are the ones who first started to read,so naturally being the youngest I copied them. Ever since then reading became my favorite activity.

  8. growing up, i loved reading with a passion. there were days where i would go through 2 200+ pages books a day. i enjoyed reading more than i enjoyed playing videogames, (i'm not bs'ing you, i swear). i loved to read star wars books and still have a decent collection of star wars as well as the entire harry potter series at home. science fiction books were my favorite thing, and next in line was anything dealing with cars. all the science fiction reading and technical reading have helped me become the creative yet practical thinker that i am today.

  9. When I was younger I was never forced to pick up a book and read. Actually when I was younger than school age I wanted to read so bad that I would actually cry because I did not know how (I don't remember this but my mother always tells me I cried as a child). I remember being in the first grade and during class one day my teacher walked up to me and handed me a chapter book. It was larger than any book I had ever read and I wasn't sure how to respond. When my teacher handed the book to me she told that she knew was capable of reading the book even at a young age and that she wanted me to give it a try. So I did. And I fell in love with reading after that. From that day forward I was always reading books. I remember that teacher very well. I am not sure if it is the memory of her giving me my first "real" book to read that keeps my memory of her so strong, but there is a reason.

    Still to this day it is very rare that you will not find me reading a book during my free time. Even right now I have a series of ten books lined up to read and about five books I want to read when I am done with the series I am reading.

  10. There have only been a few books in my entire life time that I have enjoyed reading. In elementary school, I was required to do book reports; something I hated to do. I hated having to read books for a grade, reading books seems like more of a hobby. So I have never been passionate about reading. It was because of that attitude growing up that I never really read the books I did book reports on. I skimmed through them or skipped chapters so I can get done quicker. But when it came to something I actually had interest in I would read the whole book, word for word. I am still the same way today. When it comes to reading for fun, I would much rather go workout, or talk on the phone with my friends. Because when I am reading a book my mind goes into space, I read the words on the page, but my mind is thinking about kangaroos or something else not related to the text. I either have severe ADD, or reading just inst for me.

  11. I never liked reading growing up as a kid. I was a very active person and I liked to be outside and play sports rather than read a book. Even now, I still don't like reading books. I haven't read a book in a very long time. I think i affected my attitude towards reading the most. Both my parents read books but I never liked it.

  12. As a young child, I liked to read the easy books that had a picture on every page. When I got to middle school, I was into reading those cheesy romance novels (Twilight or anything by Nicholas Sparks). In high school, I enjoyed reading novels that taught a life lesson or showed how characters dramatically evolved over time. In college, I spend less time reading for fun because I always have something else to be working on. However, when I do get the chance to read, I like reading novels that I can relate to or that can help me grow as an individual. I think who I hang out with affects my attitude about reading.


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