Remembering 9/11

9/11 is a time to reflect.

9/11 was the worst terrorist attack inflicted on civilians of the United States of America. Innocent men, women, and children died when the Twin Towers fell.

9/11 remembrances can be personal like those who got tattoos, tattoos ranging from remembrances of that terrible day, to remembrances of family and co-workers killed.

9/11 leads some to their local fire departments to leave flowers or attend candlelight vigils. Others go to religious services.

9/11 led our nation to build a national memorial on ground zero where so many lost their lives. Two 7-story waterfalls spill into the base of each missing Twin Tower and "nearly 3,000 names of the men, women, and children killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993 are inscribed in bronze on parapets surrounding the twin Memorial pools."

How do you remember those who died on 9/11?


  1. I remember the people by watching the Tv and listening to the radio. I also remember them by honoring the rememberence at 9:11 am and pm daily. Also by the day of the atack.

  2. I still tremble and become overwhelmed by emotions every year on this day. Every year on this day I remember this day all of panic and fear that filled into everyone's heart and was clearly seen into everyone's eyes. I have never seen this much panic in everyone that has been close to me like this ever before and throughout the whole day I never understood why.

  3. Nikolay GoncharenkoOctober 6, 2011 at 7:58 PM

    I remember those who died when I watch news and read newspapers. It definitely split the United States history on before and after the attack. This event is in contemporary movies, art, and books. Once, I have seen the movie about airplane that had to attack San Francisco, but it eventually didn’t because passengers sacrificed their lives to save other people.

  4. Every year I remember 911 by watching the news and listening to the radio. It was a day no one can forget, a really sad day. May innocent people died, men, and women of all ages; how can anyone forget such a terrible day which still to this day makes the world overwhelmed by sad emotions.

  5. I remember those who died every time I put on my army combat uniform. When I seen the towers falling I felt compelled to do something about it. I was only 13 at the time but even then I wanted to take a stand aginst terrorism. I did just that and joined the army. Wearing the flag on my sleeve reminds me why I do what I do.

  6. I was in New York in 2004, its three years after horrible attack 9/11. One of my
    places to see was ground zero. At that time the place was under constructions and they
    put the names of the people who lost their lives that day on the fences around that zone.
    I was in silence reading the names of people who died and also I was thinking with pain
    about families and friends who left behind. We will always remember these innocent men
    and women and children in our hearts, in our minds and in our memories. Rest in peace

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy. Every year this day I remember exactly where I was when the planes hit. I was in my front room getting ready for school watching tv when the channel randomly changed to the news. Many innocent people lost their lives that day. 9/11 will forever be remembered as one of America's worst days..

    -Robert Banchero

  9. I still remember what happen on that day by watching the news on the television and read on the newspaper. It was very sad day for us that all the innocent people had to die. It will be the day that no one could not forget and the fear still be in our heart.

  10. 911 was one of the most memorable days of my life the reason for that was because,that was a day everything got shut down

  11. It’s been so long since that catastrophic day occurred, yet remembering it feels like it happened a year ago or so. I was in my middle school class when we heard of the incident, and the teacher turned the television on and virtually every channel was playing the same scene; the horrific plane crashes that have resonated through every person viewing the attack. Whether we had family or friends, or even if we had no one in that building we felt as if we had been personally slapped. I for one remember that day as how we as a country grieved together and made it through regardless of the major loss we suffered. 9/11 will always hold a special place in my heart.------ yours Elena.

  12. I dont think that theres a possible way to forget the people that past on 9/11. Personally i dont like to think about it too much because the event was so tragic and unreal. I can remember waking up that morning thinking like ...why is the same movie on every tv?

  13. Something that day was strangely off. It could've been the way that the sky looked, the way I dressed, or just how the kids looked that morning there was something supernatural about it for me. I remember walking up to my classroom where all the kids were waiting to go inside outside the door and everyone in line had this face on them that looked to me like there was something wrong, but really nothing was wrong yet... We all went in the classroom and we hear from our teacher that the twin towers just got hit by an airplane and we were all in shock, and in my head I was thinking, what does this mean? So after school got out, which is early I believe because they wanted all the kids to go home early (or at least I went home early because my mom was out of work because she was near the next suspected building to be hit which was the twin towers in oakland), I went home with my mom and my brother and we watched the news all day and night. At the time, I didn't really think about how devastating this must have been even though I knew it was devastating but I didn't really understand just how devastating it truely was. Now I know and I remember that day for what truely happened and I think about all the families that lost someone in the twin towers that day, and I also think about all the people who got out of the twin towers that day, and I also think about the terroism that happened that day. That day was disastrous.

  14. The way I remember those who passed away on 9/11/2011 is a combination of a few different activities. I am a strong believer in giving a moment of silence for those who passed so every year on September 11th, I hold a moment of silence. Along with that, I also try to donate some money to the New York fire department and police department through an online source. I try to encourage everyone else to recognize and respect the sacrifice that so many gave on September the 11th, because I doubt many today would do the same.

  15. I often forget about 9/11. I was only in the 3rd grade at the time and didn't fully understand what the attack meant. Even now that I am older I still don't fully understand everything. I know that many lost their lives in the attack, and many lost their lives trying to save survivors but year after year as the event grows further and further away I forget. We are still at war in the Middle East because of 9/11 but because I don't see fighting here I have no constant remind of the tragedy. Its strange to have grown up with a war and a country so devistated but never really felt the pain the way others have. I hope as I get older I will learn that 9/11 has impacted the way I have grown up and I will feel more connected with the people who's lives have been lost for my freedom.

  16. I really don't remember them, I just think about them in the back of my mind. I basically just reflect on what happened that day, and try to think about those families that lost a member, and think what if something like that happened to my family. On that day I am just thankful that I have a family that is supportive and always around me. It too bad that we are still in pursuit for terrorist around the world, and we're still have soldiers stationed in Iran and Afghanistan. I just wish those soldiers will come back and be with there families again, besides wasting their time fixing a corrupt government.

    - Sami Wadood

  17. I can't believe a decade has passed since this tragic event but I would never forget those who died on that day. Even though I was only in the third grade at that time, I could still bring back the ghostly faces of panic and fear that I saw in so many adults. While the firefighters rushed to save those trapped in the Twin Towers, many people sat in front of the T.V., crying over what had happened and calling their family, relatives, or friends in New York to see if they're okay. To this day, I still remember 9/11 by watching the news and viewing videos that reflect back on it. I also have a moment of silence for those who passed away.

  18. I will never forget 9/11 because I remember the emotion in my house. My mom was crying and trying to get ahold of my family who lives on the east coast. I also remember the television being on and it replaying the first plane crashing into one of the towers and then all of a sudden it showed a second plane crashing into the other tower. I also remember seeing the people jumping from the tower and then my mom made me go to school. Since that day I will never forget the emotion in my house hold and how it changed the U.S. I think that everyone should be educated on this historical event and should actually visit ground zero. When I went in the 8th grade, it wasn't even completed and it still made me emotional, I could feel the unity in the country in a way. If I get the chance to go to New York again I want to see ground zero.

  19. Every morning before school, I would turn on the television to watch morning cartoons while I ate my cereal. I didn't intentionally turn it on to watch the news but it just so happened that the tv was already set to fox news. I just stood there mortified because all I saw were two planes hitting buildings and the sky turning black. I yelled for my dad and he came running down the stairs asking what was wrong. I pointed to the tv and we both just stood there, watching the replay of what happened.
    Going to school was horrible. One of my best friends was crying because her sister lived in New York and no one was able to get hold of her (luckily she wasn't near the twin towers).

    I've never forgotten the event but I've never really done anything to remember those who died and those who gave up their lives on 9/11. It actually wasn't until this year that I started to care again. My best friend is going to a school in New York and for 9/11 I sent her a care package telling her to take care of herself and to just be careful. I hope that one day I can actually visit New York and get a chance to see ground zero.

  20. I still remember the day of the attack. I was in the 3rd grade and my teacher sat us down and tried to explain what happened. It must have been hard for her to say since we were a bunch of kids and she didn't want to corrupt our minds with violence. I remember watching the news every day for the next couple of weeks. They would show the same videos over and over of the towers falling. I've never forgotten the events that took place that day. It's a haunting memory to me as it is to most Americans. It's suprising to see how rage can drive people to commit such evil. After that day things were never the same for me since Indian people and the arab terrorists have a similar skin tone. Never the less, the events that happend that day will never be forgotten by any American.

  21. Personally, I think because I was so young I did not know what was going on at the time. It is already a national holiday, that probably no one will ever forget. To remember those women, men, and children that were killed in 9/11 is to never forget them, there is not anything else that can be done. Never forget the people they were, or how much you loved them. For people who did not know anyone that died during that incident, the best they can do, is be there for the people that did someone, and just be there for them. You do not have to think about the people or that one person that died in 9/11, just make sure you never forget them.

  22. It was the third grade, And I was getting ready for school when I heard the phone ring. It was my dad. He told my mom and I to turn on the tv and to go to the news channel. Being as young as I was, I didnt fully understand a lot of what happened. But it made very angry. Thousands of innocent people died that day, and all I could do was watch the tv screen. I felt so worthless. As I saw the second plane hit the other building, my heart sank. I was always really into the little army men toys, and dreamed to be in the military, but after that day I saw those towers fall I decided to do everything I can to make that dream become a reality. Those were innocent Americans that died, and I feel like the best way to preserve American safety is to be in the military getiing rid of the scum that think its ok to kill civilians. I am currently working on a contract with the army, and plan on serving after finishing my General ED.

  23. This day was so sad i still remember like it was yesterday. i was in the 3rd grade and it was almost time to go home we just had to go out on our last resess, when our teacher mention to us that a plane had crashed and i thought oh just a regular plane crashed maybe the people are still alive. but when i got home it was all over the news and evrything was happening too fast i didnt know exactkly what was going on i was only 8 years old. so i remember i went to the bathroom and i started to pray that god can help us get threw this .And then i say the video in how it had happen and i saw how some people were jumping out of the buildings and it broke my heart i started crying because i thought we were going to be i was playing outside i saw a plane pass by and i got scared and started crying because i was scared.till this day i still get emotinal about it i cant watch the video this day will forever be remembered.


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