MLA Citations
Why is citation important? Plagiarism is one thing that can get your kicked out of college. Your ideas and your writing belong to you. Just like my thoughts and my writings belong to me and Shakespeare's thoughts and writings belong to him. So give credit where credit is due.
Here are a couple of quizzes to test your knowledge:
Click on the link for an In-Text Citation Quiz offered by McGraw-Hill
Click on the next link for a Works Cited Quiz created by McGraw-Hill.
So how did you do? Were you surprised by how much you knew about in-text citations and works cited entries? Or how much you need to learn? Don't worry it's not too late there are all kinds of online resources for avoiding plagiarism. I would also recommend that you get a good used Writer's Handbook and keep it on your desk.
Remember, it is not enough to just drop an entry on the Works Cited page, you must include in-text citations following everything in your papers that is not your idea.
On the quizzes, I did better than I expected. i was surprised when I got some stuff incorrect. For the quotation quiz, I focused on making sure that the quote had quotations marks of course, and if it had a page number from the source. These 2 things are the things I know most about quoting. For the works cited quiz, the only thing I had in mind was that the authors last names should be in alphabetical order. I do not really know how to cite pages in my head because there is an order to it. I still need to focus on trying to memorize how to do work cited pages. I know a lot about this stuff but it is not enough.
ReplyDeleteI did pretty good on the quizzes, I didn't get perfect, but I feel like I did good enough to write an non-plagiarized essay. I think some people might just forget how bad it is to plagiarize so they do not put that much effort into the citations and what not. But overall, I have a pretty good idea in the MLA format citations and the in-text citations. I think what I would do is take more of these quizzes, and read about it. Maybe I can be perfect at it.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is great, the links for avoiding plagiarism are very helpful and taught me a few things. I typically do not have problems citing sources or including in-text-citations. However in my most recent paper I did forget to include a few in-text citations. After going through the links I am sure I will be back to use these websites to avoid plagiarism and ultimately to write a great paper.
ReplyDeleteOn the quizzes, I did average. It really takes alot of attention out of you just to look for stuff that are incorrect in the works cited, especially I am not fluent with it. For the quotation quiz, I focused on reciting the author's name again just to make sure I didn't do it wrong, but the feedback said if the author has been said already from the beginning, I just really need to cite the page number IE: (116). I think I need to pay more attention to citing everything correctly when it comes to works cited.
ReplyDeleteI did pretty well on the In-Text Citation quiz. My only issue was that I was putting (Wollstonecraft 116) for every quote, regardless if her name was in it or not. I thought that you had to use the name for all quiz source, but apparently that's only if your paper has multiple sources and you need to differentiate between them. On the Works Cited quiz I did worse, mainly because I typically just EasyBib for my Citation page. That said, I'm not really worried about my score too much, but in the end I did learn new "rules of thumb" for citations.
ReplyDeleteI actually did pretty well on the quizzes, I got perfect on both of them. I actually was a little surprised because I felt like I forgot how to cite, funny, my high school English teacher would sooo kick my butt for this. I know how to cite my work, my problem is that I forget or I get lazy at the end of my work. I know it's a bad habit that can get me kicked out school because somebody might think that I am plagiarizing. Taking a break from English messed me up,however, I'll soon be back on my citation job real soon.
ReplyDeleteThe quizzes are a great way to refresh your knowledge of MLA citations if you aren't quite clear on how to cite papers. Hopefully there would be links like these provided for the next papers just in case. I do not really have a problem with citations and have a good knowledge of them, but it would be a nice reminder of how to cite sources.
ReplyDeleteI did pretty well on the quizzes. For the quotation quiz I made mistakes that I knew were wrong I dont know why I did that. But I knew how to do the quotations correctly, so I redid the quiz and got 100. The works cited quiz was easy. I got everything correct. Overall I know what Im doing I guess I just get lazy and dont review my work before submitting it.
ReplyDeleteI was more surprised with my knowledge of in-text citations because although that was my biggest citation issue, I knew a lot more than I thought I did. I forgot that if you name the author in the context, there's no need to add their name to the in-text citation, but if the context simply references the author, then the author's name is necessary in the citation. The works cited quiz was a lot easier, because it was basically a multiple choice quiz between 5 versions of works cited, and once you establish that you need all the relevant sources and that people who are quoted within sources do not need their own citation, the answer became clear.
ReplyDeleteOn the quizzes i did okay. On the in-text citations i got 3 right and 2 wrong. On the other quiz i did the citations just how it showed in the feedback. The quizzes were very useful in seeing how well you know how to cite and what you need to keep in mind. Citing a source requires a lot of info and must all be correct, in order, and italized or underlined where needed. When writing a paragraph, you need to make sure you have the authors last name and page number at the end of a sentence where a quotation was used. Doing more of these quizzes would definitely be helping in practicing correct citations.
ReplyDeleteFor the most part, I did pretty well on the first quiz, which is surprising because I completely failed on knowing this information when writing my essay. The only mistake I made was dumb: not checking the page number for the last question and citing it incorrectly. I honestly have no excuse for why I didn't recall this information before, because it looks as if I know it. Disappointment in myself, for me, is worse than getting a bad grade.
ReplyDeleteThe second quiz, on the other hand, was quite difficult for me. I know that this is because in the past I have relied too heavily on fill-in-the-blank websites like EasyBib to do the works cited page for me. The last time I had to do it by hand was in high school, and that was an undisclosed number of years ago for me. I did manage to get 3/5 correct, which isn't great, but better than I was expecting.
I did well on the In-Text Citation quiz, I was very confident when I was corrected each of the quotations. I did not really have any issues with this quiz. However; I had trouble with the Works Cited Quiz, the things that I got wrong were the ones that I thought I had right. I learned a lot about how the Works Cited page is supposed to look.
ReplyDeleteI did excellent on the first quiz but got 3 out of 5 on the second quiz. I wasn't surprised by the results I received for the quizzes. I feel like I am aware of how to write an essay in MLA format becuase in high school I had a AP teacher that made us remember how to write in MLA format, otherwise we would receive low grades on our essays.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't surprised at the low grade I received for the second quiz. I'm not really sure how to write a works cited page correctly because I usually use the internet to help me. I usually use cites such as Easy Bib to help me with my works cited page. Moreover, I feel like I should start memorizing how to create a works cited page so that I don't need to rely on internet help.
I did okay on the quizzes. I did really well on the quotation quiz but I did get one wrong. For the work cited quiz, that was difficult for me because I didn't really know what to do. It left me a box to write so I wrote whatever, but when I looked at the feedback, it told me to either write the sources last name. Maybe next time, hopefully I will remember this and do better at citing.
ReplyDeleteI found the quotations quiz easier than the works cited quiz. I didn't realize until taking the quiz that you are supposed to cite the page number even if it is a paraphrase. I thought that by stating the author's name or putting "he/she says" it would be considered okay and not plagiarism. As for the works cited quiz, I did not do as well because I always use some bibliography generator for my works cited pages. I do know everything is supposed to be in alphabetical order when it comes to listing the authors of the works you used, but I'm not sure how to actually make a works cited page on my own.
ReplyDeleteI put the period in the wrong place on most of them the first time through. It was challenging only the first time, I feel like seeing the correct way to do it refreshed my memory. This was a good exercise that showed me the right way to cite.
ReplyDeleteI actually did better than expected, I know I always had trouble with citations because I tend to find it a little confusing, however, I may know more than I give myself credit for. There were some phrases that I didn't know how to cite, due to this exercise I got clarification of how to cite correctly, so in the future when I get stuck again with something similar I will be able to cite it. Overall, this quiz did help me see where I stand with citations and also helped me see what I need work on.
ReplyDeleteI did well on those tests, after I tried it a second time. However, what I realized that I usually do is forget is put the page number for citation in my essays to know where I found that quote or information from. For some reason I remember to cite the author, but not the page number. I think it is because it is a small matter that I keep on forgetting about. I need to change that, so that I may get better with my essays and increase my grade level. I think that is another reason that most teachers think that I am plagiarising because I forget the page number.
ReplyDeleteOn the quizzes i think that i did ok. There are still some things that i need to brush up on when it comes to citations. I made mistakes on simple things when it came to citing like putting the page number in the quotation marks instead of outside.Overall the quizzes helped refresh my memory on anything i was confused with.
ReplyDeleteI did well on the first quiz and did average on the second quiz. I knew on the first quiz that some of the quotations need page number and some of them need author name. I did fix that. I think providing page and author name really important when writing page and using outside sources. I know a lot about how to cite the page and what should be included because I learned in high school and learned in my pervious english classes. One thing I learned is that work cited page need to be in alphabetical order.
ReplyDeleteI did alright on both quizzes, particularly the in-text quiz. The biggest issue I have with in-text citations is how to cite page numbers from an article on the internet. Particularly with essay 2, I thought that since we had the templates that completely introduced the author(s) and gave their background, that would count as the citation. For quotations where I did not follow the template, I put the correct in-text citation in.
ReplyDeleteAs far as works cited pages go... well... that's what easy bib is for. :)
I did better than I expected on the quizzes. I didn't get everything right but at least it showed that I knew more about citations that I thought. I think I just needed to study and look over how to do citations correctly before writing my essay since that was the biggest problem for me. These quizzes were really helpful on teaching us how to do citations correctly.
ReplyDeleteI did bad on the quizzes. I do not really know much about citations or quotations, but I know enough to get by. This has not really been a problem in other classes. In library class my teacher made us do a works cited entry for every kind of source she gave us. I did well in that class. I am obviously making mistakes now so I must not have remembered what I learned in library class.
ReplyDeleteThe first quiz on in text citations I got 5/5 and the second quiz on work cited I got 3/5. The in text citations quiz score didn't surprise me because I learned how to do in text citations last quarter in English 1001. For my essay, I had to dust the cobwebs off of my knowledge of in text citations, but I forgot that the summary must also have in test citations in it as well as the rest of the paper. It is not enough to just mention the authors name in the summary, it still needs a page number. The second quiz kind of surprised me, but not really. All of the answers started to look the same to me, so it was a little confusing. I should review how to do a works cited page just to be on the safe side. Other than that, I feel good on my knowledge of citing other peoples work in my writings.
ReplyDeleteI did good on the quizzes, just minor problems with MLA citing.The only problem that I had with my second essay was I did not cite something I found on the internet and I did not include in text citations on some ideas. Work Cited page quiz wasn't difficult for me, I did great on that quiz
ReplyDeleteI Did very good on both quizzes, yes I had some incorrect answers, but eventually I did better than I expected. I did some mistakes in Essay 2 in the citation
ReplyDeleteand quotation. Now I learned from my mistakes and I'll try my best to avoid these kind of issues in the future. I really like this blog, it helps me a lot.
I took the above quizess and scored really good on the MLA citation but didn't do so well on the works cited questions. MLA citations are easier than the works cited page because the works cited page requires much more information than an in text citation. Needing all the information about the source is what makes the works cited page so difficult.
ReplyDeleteI did well on the in text citation quiz, but I did not do so well on the works cited quiz questioning. I thought I would have done well on both, but I guess I need to learn more about it because there is a lot of information that needs to be put in the work cited page. This quiz did help me a lot in realizing that I dont know everything about citing things.
ReplyDeleteI did better than I expected I would on the works cited quiz. On the in-text citations I did as well as I expected that I would. Works cited pages and in-text citations give me headaches and are really stressful to me. They are my least favorite part of writing but I do understand why they are needed.
ReplyDeleteI did pretty good on the quizzes but what i have to work on the most is how to do the MLA citing. I was surprised on how much i knew on the quizzes, but i mostly know the text citation. i learned a lot now so when i have to do more papers in the future it will be easier and i won't have to use websites to help me do MLA citations.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I did pretty well on both of the quizzes. I am slowly getting a clearer understanding on how to properly cite in and outside my paper. The quizzes helped me by providing the real answers after submitting so next time I will be more aware of how to cite correctly in different types of situations
ReplyDeleteFor the in-text citation quiz, I got all of them correct which I was kind of surprised about because some of them were kind of tricky. For the works cited quiz I didn't do too well because I didn't pay attention to the name of the author for the first two questions. These quizzes definitely helped me to see how important it is to make sure you have the correct in-text citations and works cited page.
ReplyDeleteI got all of them right for both the quizzes. I think I did well. These quizzes are really helpful to prevent unintentional plagiarism.
ReplyDeleteon the quiz for works cited,I did a good job, and I actually surprised myself. I really did not have to think twice about which is correct and incorrect. The in-text citation was very specific, I tried my best but I only go some wrong because I did not put the correct page number. I don't think that proves I don't know how to cite in-text.
ReplyDeleteAs a international student, we did not learn how the create a reference page. Either in MLA or APA format. But because of our excellent teacher in English class. She gives us a great chance of learning the correct way of using MLA format. Even though I am still not fully comprehend the work cited page, but from a warm-heart classmate whom gave me a nice website page for free citation program. I used this website to generate my second essay work cited page. Now, I am a expert of in text citation and still lean on website program for work cite page. I fell once in English 1001 not because I did bad in the class, is because my teacher was very serious and mean to me. This time, I got a nice teacher and really learn something super useful. I am very appreciate.
ReplyDeleteThe in-text citation quiz is good for me to learn how to make a correct in-text citation, and there are many ways to make a in-text citation, I got most correct of them. But the works cited quiz are little bit harder than the in-text citation, I did my best to do these works cited quiz, finally I get one wrong, it exceeds my expectations, I think I will only do two correct. But anyway, I learn a lot about how to make a citation.
ReplyDeleteI did good on the first quiz but a little bit bad on the second quiz. I was afraid of got wrong answer when I did first quiz, after I submit, I was surprised that I got really good grade for the in-text citation. Before I wrote my second essay I always did wrong and confuse about MLA format, now I can handle that, I definitely learn how to do in-text citation. However, in my second quiz, I only get 3/5 points. I always forget there have "print." in the end of work cited. Therefore, I think I should memory how to create the cited page without my textbook. Those two quizzes are really good staff to remind me keep working on the citation part, if I want to get higher point when I write my academic essay.
ReplyDeleteI didn't do as well as I thought I would because of punctuation errors I didn't change. The in-text citation quiz was kind of tricky because I didn't really understand the directions. The work cited quiz was cool but it tricked me . Overall these quizzes were somewhat helpful
ReplyDeleteon the quiz, i was better at in text citation than anything I was good on whether or not that i needed the persons last name or just page number on the other hand the works cited page i need to improve on knowing what is write vs what is wrong and remember it off the the top of my head . It showed me that I am not as good as i thought in MLA citation .
ReplyDeleteFor the in-text citation I got one wrong because that I did not notice the page number. While, in the works cited quiz, I got all the answers correct. The results are better than I thought. Through this chance, I understood how to write in-text citation and works cited quiz clearly. It definitely helped me a lot.
ReplyDeleteIn doing the two short quizzes on in-text citation and work cited I learned that I am average on work cited but proficient on in-text citation. I guess for me, the in-text citation is much easier then the work cited because there are less factors. Rephrased, the in-text citation only requires two things, the authors name and the page number you obtained the information from. On the other hand, the work cited is much more complex, remembering the order in which the author, title, year, etc is suppose to be in. Also there are certain parts that need to be capitalized and others that require certain punctuations.
ReplyDeleteFor this quiz, it helps me to know well how to write down the work cited.I did well for works cited quiz,but I can't make sure about in-text citation quiz. Usually I mistake about the author's name and different format about the work cited. These quizzes taught me a lot.
ReplyDeleteon the quizzes, I did well and I just according to the textbook step by step. The quizzes were very useful in seeing how well you know how to cite and what you need to keep in mind.For the In-text citation quiz, making sure the quote had quotations marks of course and do not forget to add page number. For the works cited quiz, it is really hard for me. I feel confusing about concept of the work cited.
ReplyDeleteI did the quizzes, but the result is not very good, so I checked the in-text citation on the book, I found the mistake of my citation. This blog just very nice, it gave me more advice for in text citation and let me know how I can do it in the future. The second quizzes is kind of difficult. But I try it for 3 times, finally I understand that.
ReplyDeletecitation is very important. From those two quiz, I think I got In-Text Citation, because i do it well, but the Works Cited I did not do well. In the works cited, so many comma and period need to use, I am not clearly where to use it and the format is it right. Compare with the in-text, I think the work cited is more hardly. I think i need more practices about the work cited.
ReplyDeleteIn the works citied quiz, I correct all the questions. But in the in-text citation quiz, I have some small problem about the sign. I make the mistake that I use two full stop before and after the page. After both quizzes, I can be sure to know how to write the works-cited and in-text citation correctly in my essays. I will be more careful to use them in the different situations.
ReplyDeletethe first quiz I got 5/5. the second one I got 3/5. I did't surprise because I know less about works cited. however, the good things is there have very good comments and make you understand it quickly. now I know how to do work cited clearly. I like the quiz, it does not make you feel pressure because there is no grade, on the other hand. when you finished, these comments definitely help a lots.
ReplyDeleteI did well on quiz. For the in-text citation quiz, the question 5 I did wrong. I just check the format, but I forget check the page number. And for the work cited quiz, I think everything are wrong. There have many people's name, I mixed. After the quiz, I know how to put punctuation, and I really understand the MLA format. But I still need more carefully, I need check the punctuation and page number.
ReplyDeleteI completed both quizzes with 5/5 for the in-text citation and 4/5 for the works cited one. I got one wrong because I misunderstood the purpose of the quizzes, not the knowledge of the citation, which makes me feel better. I thought the purpose of the question is to figure out the wrong format of the works cited, and one was completely correct, so I marked it as correct. However, it should be incorrect because it was not a complete works cited page. I got it wrong because I didn't understand the question correctly. So I still appreciate the quizzes because it helped me to build confident on doing the correct citation.
ReplyDeleteDoing these two quizzes about in-text citation and work cited, I realized that I am not good at both of them. The in-text citation is easier than the work cited one. Question 2 in in-text citation quiz is the most tricky one. I have no idea about how to deal with paraphrase. Work cited quiz is not easy for me. There are too many rules about the works cited page in MLA format. I got one wrong in this quiz. I think I should still work on that in the next essay.
ReplyDeleteIn the in-text citation, I always put the writer's full name either in the text or in the parentheses. From the quiz, I know that there is no need to put the writer's full name. Also I got wrong on the last question of in-text citation quiz. I did not notice that the page number is wrong. I have to pay attention on the page number when I cite my own paper. I did really well on works cited quiz.
ReplyDeleteI believe that I did good on the quiz in- Text Citation Quiz for the reason that I got all the answer correct. I'm not surprised that I got all answers correct because I remember this kind of work doing text citation from high school. I remember when my teacher from high school teach us how to do text citation in a essay. In addition, I did ok in my works cited quiz for the reason why I did ok in my work cited quiz is because I got 3 answers correct and 2 of them incorrect. I'm not that surprised too because I kind of remember doing this kind of work in high school, and also it help me remember how to do works cited because I went to the SCAA one day and ask for help. I show them how I did my work cited in one of my class and they gave me feedback on how to do a work cited. It really help me a lot going to the SCAA.
ReplyDeleteAfter I did those two quizzes, I feel it's really helpful for our international students. Although there are many traps, it let us deeply understand how to do in-text citation and works cited page. I think I will no do the wrong things at those two parts in my later essays.
ReplyDeleteI did good at both quizzes( because i bother my professor a lot)but i feel like i still got confused by MLA format all the time when i cite the work. These quizzes are somewhat helpful, the explanation is clear.
ReplyDeleteI answered all the questions in the second quiz correctly, though I missed one question in the first. I am not too surprised by the MLA format, though I am a little upset because my high school taught me a different way to cite in MLA format, which included more commas when quoting in text. I wish they hadn't done that, because now I must learn anew.
ReplyDeleteAfter i did both quizzes, i seen that i get how to cite sources but i do them differently than expected. I am used to putting last name and page number and including the author when i introduce the quote. i see now that i don't need to have the authors name twice, i can either have the author in the beginning with just a page number in the end, or have the author or page number at the end of the sentence. The patterns for college writing did good at explaining how to add in text citations, so i understand how to do them i just need to pick a way and stick to it or add variety.
ReplyDeleteWhen I took the quiz, I had a little bit of a problem with the in text citation. I couldn't find the page numbers and that really stumbled me. I felt a little bit more confident on the works cited page though. When I looked at the works cited, something was missing and it was the punctuation of the works cited page. Who knew there was so much to do about citing a source!
ReplyDeleteI did horrible on this quiz. I only got one right out of five questions. I can only do well on work citations if I have some kind of guide with me. I can't do citations on the top of my head; can't identify if they are correct or incorrect by memory. Hopefully I get the citations right in my essays
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly I did well on both of the quizzes. I didn't miss a single question on the first quiz, but that's probably due to the fact that my high school drilled MLA format down our throats over the course of those four years. I did however miss one question on the second quiz so by some hilarious stroke of fate, I don't know MLA format as well as I should know it. Thankfully I have prior knowledge of MLA format so I won't be struggling to figure out how to use MLA and apply to my papers. I'd also like to avoid getting kicked out of the university for "cheating" because I messed up on a citation.
ReplyDeleteAfter taking both quizzes I feel like it will help me cite the work by other authors correctly and I will not get kicked out of school for plagiarism. On the first quiz I did well. I got all of the questions correct but it took me a long time to find the mistakes or to figure out what was wrong with the citations. On the second quiz I got three out of the five questions correct. I did not look at the last two questions correctly and I got both those questions wrong.
ReplyDeleteI received a four out of five on the first quiz. I was unaware that the second quotation was a paraphrase and we had to rewrite the sentence using "Wollstonecraft says..." although I pointed out to Professor Ripley myself that this sentence is not in the excerpt. I was not sure how to approach this questions so I assumed it would be correct just to add quotes. I did not know that paraphrases had to be cited because they are in your own words, I only though direct quotations had to be cited. Nonetheless, I received an overall good score by getting all other questions of the first quiz correct. This quiz was fairly easy for me. As for the second quiz, I have no idea what needs to be included into a correct citation by heart. I do not know the difference between differently formatted citations and I do not know what should or should not be italicized or not. I am completely clueless on this subject of cited sources, which would explain my extremely poor score of one out of five. I honestly guessed on the entire quiz.
ReplyDeleteI did great on both quizzes, I got all of them correct, except for one little mistake where I put the wrong page number, but other than that, I got a very good score on all of it. The works cited quiz was a little bit more difficult, but I took my time and got a good score. I wasn't surprised that I got a good score because I took my time with each problem and remembered how my professor told us to use works cited and in-text citation.I usually use EasyBib to help me work on my Works Cited pages on essays, but in my last year of high school out teacher made us practice how to write a correct page over and over, and even quizzed us on it.
ReplyDeleteAfter taking the two quizzes I feel pretty confident about my ability to properly quote and use in-text citations. I had a high school teacher who taught me very well. Every single homework assignment I had in that class was paragraphs with at least 1 quote each so you could say I spend plenty of time quoting. That class is coming in handy now. The only thing that gets me are commas and where exactly they go. I never understand those crazy comma rules! Although I feel pretty confident about my in text citations and quotes, I'm not 100% on works cited and I have to have an example in front of me to have a proper format.
ReplyDeleteOut of the two quizes I did better on the intext citation than the work cited page. I didn't find the quizes difficult to do it was remembering what order the information comes in. I like on the how the quizes goes review what i got wrong. For the intext citation I need to pay more attention to the page number because that was one of the reason I got some of the answers wrong. overall I need more work it the work citing part.
ReplyDeleteI did fairly well on the quizzes. I missed one question on the first quiz and missed two on the second quiz. I'm not surprised that I missed a fewI have prior knowledge of MLA format however, I am not very comfortable with that particular format.
ReplyDeleteThough I would like to know how use it correctly and avoid getting kicked out of college over a silly mistake.
I did ok on the first one and great on the second one. I was surprised about the scores I received. I thought that I would do better on the in text citation compared to the works cited quiz. Reading the feedback was helpful though because I was able to check what I did wrong. I learned enough to not fully plagiarized, unless it's citing a different type of source in the works cited page because I always get confused on how I should format each citation.(book, essay in a book, interview, encyclopedia, etc).
ReplyDeleteAfter taking both quizzes, I did better than I thought I would do. I missed only one in the In-Text Citation Quiz and I missed two in the Works Cited Quiz. I know more about in-text citation compared to works cited. I wasn't taught much about works cited. In high school, I learned a lot about in-text citation, so I was very confident when I took the quiz. However, I was struggling when I took the Works Cited Quiz. When I looked at the questions on the quiz, a lot of them looked correct to me. I thought I failed the quiz, but I was surprised to see I got three out of the five questions correct. I need to learn more about works cited, since I will be writing a lot of papers in college.
ReplyDeleteI completed and did well on the in-text citations quiz; I got everything correct. I learned a lot about in-text citations in my English class in high school. My high school English teacher was strict about in-text citations and he would lower our final grade if we cited our quotes incorrectly. In my head, I am always thinking, "Quote, page, period" every time I am using quotes in my essays. In the quiz, it was easy for me to identify if the in-text citations were correct or incorrect because of having plenty of practice. For the works cited quiz, I got one question wrong. I realized that it is easy to tell if a works cited page is complete or incomplete. I read one of the questions, not realizing that there was an entry for "Gosden." Although it was a mental mistake, I need to pay attention/work more on works cited so I can be careful on citations.
ReplyDeleteOn the first quiz, It was easy to fix the punctuation. All that was really needed was to fix the in text citation. But the second quiz was difficult for me. I personally have trouble determining was was wrong with the work cited. The examples had multiple authors and the names were confusing. But in the end, I learned my mistakes. I discovered how to cite when there are two authors. I also learned how to cite what there are multiple entries. It made me realize all the entries I cited in the past were all wrong. I should definitely focus on doing it correctly next time or else there are going to be consequences. Proper citation can save one from plagiarism.
ReplyDeleteAfter taking both quizzes, I feel more confident on the in-text citations. I received a four out of five, so I'm glad about it. At first, I would just write the page number, but now I understand that you either need the author's last name with the page number or just the page number if you are paraphrasing. Although i got two wrong on the Works Cited quiz, I understand it because I've been doing them since high school. I had to write a 15 page paper for my senior year with about 10 sources to cite, so I got used to it. In my freshmen year, I also did a lot of citing, so it's nothing new to me, I just had problems with the in-text citation. Overall, I believe this was a good practice in order for us to improve.
ReplyDeleteFor in-text citation quiz, I did well because the there are only a few rules to follow. I didn't do well on the Works cited quiz and it makes me realize that I am still not familiar with the rules of citing sources at the end of my essays. I had problems citing authors' names such as putting the in the wrong orders or put them in wrong places. I am glad that the work cited quiz helped me to find my problems and it also made me realize that I need to practice more in order to be more familiar with all rules.
ReplyDeleteI did alright on both of my quizzes. I got two wrong for both quizzes. I am new to citations, even though I tried doing citations last year I guess I did them incorrectly. I am learning the basics for citing sources, which will greatly affect my essays and how the overall grade I receive in them. The feedback was very helpful in which it helped me on things that I should study more. This way I will learn how to cite correctly and not get kicked out of school over a simple mistake.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I did well on both quizzes, the first quiz about the in text citation was much easier than the works cited quiz. I feel that it is much easier to correct in text citations because there is not much to them. The works cited quiz was harder because there is a distinct order everything has to be in. Also you have to pay attention to what source goes to what author and cite them correctly in the text. I need to work on works cited pages because I always have trouble remembering the order and format.
ReplyDeleteAfter taking the quizzes, I need to probably have a examples of how to format citations because i get confused. On the first quiz my score was alright. I need to practice more on in text citation. I also need to work on my introductions so they can flow properly in my essays. For the second quiz on writing a works cited, i think my score was alright. i got two wrong due to confusion on the citation. with practice i will become better at writing works cited pages. The quizzes were a good way to practice citing because if we don't master it we could be plagiarizing when we really are not.
ReplyDeleteFor the in-text citation quiz I did pretty good. I only got 2 wrong because I put the wrong page number, but other than that I understand the concept of how to do an in-text citation. For the works cited quiz, I didn't score as high as I thought. I got a 3/5 for a 60%. Taking that quiz showed me that I need to get a better understanding of the concept. There are a good amount of rules to follow for a works cited page that I need to learn on my own time.
ReplyDeleteOver all,i know that I need to practice more on my in text citation and on citing authors. It's a big deal in collage to plagiarize someones work with out giving the author proper credit, so I need to learn this all the way. For the in text citations I didn't do so well, but with practice on how to cite I believe I will become better. For citing the sources, I did fairly well. I recived a 3 out of the 5 . I understand this better and get the rules but I need more practice. I intend on learning all this 100% in the near future since i will be writing a lot more papers in collage.
ReplyDeleteTo me, the second quiz was easier than the first one. I am not sure I did well on the essay. I know how to perfectly do in-text quotations in my own language but it is different in English. For this reason, I am afraid I might have the tendency to do as I already and how I was told to do quotations instead of the "English way" of doing it. In French, as long as you put the name, the title and the year into brackets just after quoting an author, it is not plagiarism. English is more accurate, you have to cite the pages, the edition, the middle names which would be considered as details for us. However, I think it is very useful to do so. Not only it shows that you know your sources, that you did a real research work, but also it allows your readers to find your sources easily, in case they are interested to read it by themselves.
ReplyDeleteTo me, the second quiz was easier than the first one. I am not sure I did well on the essay. I know how to perfectly do in-text quotations in my own language but it is different in English. For this reason, I am afraid I might have the tendency to do as I already and how I was told to do quotations instead of the "English way" of doing it. In French, as long as you put the name, the title and the year into brackets just after quoting an author, it is not plagiarism. English is more accurate, you have to cite the pages, the edition, the middle names which would be considered as details for us. However, I think it is very useful to do so. Not only it shows that you know your sources, that you did a real research work, but also it allows your readers to find your sources easily, in case they are interested to read it by themselves.
ReplyDeleteI found the first quiz easier than the second one. I had difficulties in reading the sentences in the way those were written. I did not do really well because I got half of answers wrong in the both tests. However, I got correct answers after I submitted the quizzes. These tests were really helpful to know about work citation. I should have done these quizzes before writing my last essay for English class. I hope that I would not make citation mistakes on my future assignments.
ReplyDeleteFor me this first quiz is more difficult, because sometimes I really do not know how to write the in-text quotation. On my essay I read the text book example and try to write the correnct in-text quotation in my worked cited page. But on the quiz I was not sure what to put into my in-text-quotation. Therefore I have to read the book more carefully and practice and be sure when I write my in-text-quotation on my next essay.I am very glad i took these quiz helped me found my problem.
ReplyDeleteFor me, the in-text citation quiz was harder than I thought it would be. I didn't know if you were supposed to type the whole sentence out or just put in the citation, but after I pressed submit it was more clear that you are supposed to write out the sentence. The second quiz on work-cited was easier for me since my last English teacher, Ms. Andrzej...I don't know how to spell her last name, drilled the work-cited format into our brains.I believe I need to go over the in-text citation a little more, I put citations often, but not on all so I think I could work on that.
ReplyDeleteI didn't do as bad as I thought I would. I find that I have a pretty good idea of what the correct formats are but I've been spoiled by the citation builder that if I had to do anything with out help I would be really slow and would have to double check my format just to be sure its correct
ReplyDeleteI thought the first in-text citation was easier than the second works cited quiz. The only thing I got wrong was putting the authors name in the citation when it isn't needed. The works cited always confuses me because it's hard to remember exactly what goes where, and how it is formatted. I got all the questions right on the quiz, but maybe it was a lucky guess. I feel I need more practice writing works cited citations without using a generator to help.
ReplyDeleteThe first quiz with the in text citations wasn't too hard for me and I think it would have been even easier if it were coming out of a book instead of just a passage. The second quiz was more challenging because I said "correct" for a works cited page when one of the sources weren't mentioned in the passage at all. So even though the format of it seemed correct, the passage didn't have an in text citation for it. I remember doing that exact thing when I had ENG 910.
ReplyDeleteIt turns out I have a bad habits when I use in text citations. I always out the authors name even if I introduce the author at the beginning of a quote. This is wrong and something I need to watch. I did everything else about in text citations correctly though. The works cited quiz was very easy for me and I got it all right on the first go. I did guess a little bit on question that had a separate entry for the person who was quoted in the work. Overall I feel solid with MLA citation and a works cited page now.
ReplyDeleteFor me the second quiz was harder than the first one. I did really well on the first, and not as good on the second quiz. I feel confident with in-text citations. However, this quiz showed me that I need to practice more on works cited.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I got a little confused at how to answer for the In-Text Citation Quiz. Took me a while to figure out. It was fairly easy, but I just had to keep checking if I had the page numbers correct. As for the Works Cited Quiz, it got me thinking a bit. I kept doubting myself if it looked right or not because they all looked so similar. Thankfully, my brain decided to come up with the right answers and got most of them right. I think I did a decent job on these.
ReplyDeleteBoth of the quizzes were hard for me but i did better on the second one although I didn't really understand it. It just showed me that I needed to learn how to do a Works Cited page without using easybib or another website like that.
ReplyDeleteI did pretty good on both quizzes. On the first quiz, I got two of them wrong due to minor errors. One of the errors was worst than the other being that I needed to introduce the quote, but the other I just made the mistake of putting the wrong page number. However on the second quiz I got 5/5.
ReplyDeleteFor the In-Text Citation quiz, I had only gotten one correct. I only got #3 correct, and luckily, it had two answers. When the author is stated in the sentence, I did not need to put the author’s last name in the citation at the end of the sentence again. I used all the correct page numbers and punctuations marks though. For the Works Cited Quiz I got four out of five correct. I found this one much easier. I got number 3 wrong. The answer to number three was ‘correct’. I think, since I thought most of them were wrong, that all of them were wrong. I should have read number three more carefully and re-read the prompt as well. Now I have a better understanding of citations, and I can now correct my mistakes and properly cite future sources.
ReplyDeleteAt first, these quizzes seemed to be easy until I realized how little I knew about the citations.
ReplyDeleteFor the in-text citation quiz, I didn't know what to do at first because the instructions were a bit unclear. Afterwards, it was a bit better. However, my results were not as well as I thought it would be. I did not know that if you introduce the author in the beginning of the sentence, you don't need to do it again for the in-text citation, but that's what I did. I now know that I don't need to do it anymore.
For the second quiz, it was a bit harder. I usually use so everything is already there for me. Seeing the citation and needing to correct it was very difficult. I didn't know what to look for but now I know.
In the end, these quizzes really helped me a lot and, now, I know what to watch out for in my writing.
I did poorly on these quizzes. I think most of this is because I always use an online citation website to cite my sources, and I don't do it be hand. I was a little bit confused by what they were asking on the in text citation quiz, but after looking at the answers and explanations, I think I have a better feel for what they wanted. As for the works cited quiz, I thought that I was just making sure that all the information was there for what was provided, and not as a holistic works cited page. Again, though, I looked the explanations, and now I know what they are looking for and feel like can cite multiple sources now instead of just the ones from the book.
ReplyDeleteFor the first quiz I did pretty well but I assumed I would not have missed any questions. From that I learned that if the author is mentioned in the sentence then their name does not need to be included in the citation after the quote. As for the second quiz, I did not do too well. I am now aware that I rely too much on for my works cited page. I need to go back and memorize how to correctly cite sources on my own.
ReplyDeleteFrom the results I have found that I am not good at citing quotes and correcting mistakes on citations. The first quiz was difficult for me because I was confused on what it was that I was suppose to do at first. Also my answers were very similar to the correct answers and I was only a couple of page numbers off. The second quiz was a lot harder for me than the first because I usually use the easy bib website for all of my citations so its was difficult to catch the mistakes on the citations.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised after taking both quizzes about how much I remembered about MLA format. At first I was intimidated by taking the quiz and unsure if I actually learned anything but to my surprise I did pretty well. After taking these quizzes it makes me want to practice more so I won't second guess myself.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the in-text citation quiz, I had difficulty with if I was supposed to re-type each of the five sentences or if I was supposed to copy it. You clarified my confusion when you mentioned that we just copy and paste each sentence. After figuring that out, the quiz was pretty straight-forward to me. I found the second quiz on works cited to be a little difficult because I answered a few answers wrong but also answered a few right. Over all, I'm glad that I took these quizzes because it showed me that I need to work on my citations more to feel more comfortable and confident with my essays.
ReplyDeleteThe both quizzes i did ok . The first quiz, was pretty confusing, but once i got the hang of it, it was easy, but i missed 3 due to some errors or missed a citation. The second quiz was pretty easy, i got the 5/5.
ReplyDeleteFor me, the first quiz was more difficult than the second one. I have a hard time always remembering how to cite different quotations in my work cited page. I usually have to refer to an example. I should study the examples more so it can become natural for future assingments.
ReplyDeleteWhen I took the in-text citation quiz, I was surprised that I got most of the questions right. I included the name of the author, when in the sentence it already had her name, so I got that wrong. Now I will remember how to cite if the author is already given in the sentence. For the Works Cited quiz I knew I will get most of them wrong. At first I thought that the quiz was asking if each individual citation (question) is correct, but when I looked at the answer, it was asking if the entire Works Cited page is correct. I usually do not pay attention to how to format the works cited, because I usually use websites to create my works cited. Since I do this, I do not know when to put commas, periods, and quotes in the works cited page. I do remember, however, the most important rules, like putting it in alphabetical order and indenting the second line if the source is longer than one line. In the end I believe that I am pretty good at in text citation but horrible at creating my own works cited page.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I thought the second quiz was more challenging than the first. I feel comfortable with in-text citations, but I realized I need to practice my works cited more often without using a website or tool to help me.
ReplyDeleteTo write a good essay, it is crucial to know how to do In-text citation in a good way, and it is also important to know how to make a correct works cited page. After I did those two quizzes, I think I till have some problems with doing in-text citations, and apparently I do not know everything about citations so far. I will read more examples, and do my best to learn how to make a good in-text citations and works cited.
ReplyDeleteI thought that both quizzes highlighted the major problems I tend to overlook when I write my paper. I noticed that I hesitated a little as I did the In-Text Citation Quiz because I was trying to remember the past exercises that we did. In regards to the Work Cited Quiz it was a little challenging because I think I relied so much on Easy Bib. However, I managed to correctly choose most of the correct answers. Although I was able to do some correctly, I think that I still need to practice on properly citing certain things. I think I overlook citations and this quiz just emphasize the importance of it.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I did good on both quizzes. I had a little more trouble understanding the second quiz because I am not too good with works cited, but I got 5/5. In-text citations are easier for me.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I did okay on the quizzes. I actually thought I was going to do really terrible, so I am pleased with the results. The in text citations, were fairly easy, I just need to brush up on my works cited knowledge.
ReplyDeleteI thought the work cited was harder than the in text citation quiz. Personally for me it was hard to do the work cited just because I didn’t write the insert. It’s easier for me to make a work cited page when I provided the information. The one thing that did help taking the work cited quiz was the two name citations. I haven’t gotten the chance to look at the two name citations and learning how to cite them properly was good to look at and gave me some knowledge on the two person citation. I got at 5 /5 on my work cited quiz so I feel like I have work cited entry’s down. I’m glad I took these quizzes because it bettered my understanding.
ReplyDeleteI think I did pretty good on both quizzes but could’ve done much better. I think I should re read the article given to understand it more. I felt like I knew more about Works Cited than I did In-Text citation. Works Cited is something that I’ve been working on since the beginning of high school ad was always emphasized to be something important that we must know so we studied and worked on it a lot more than we did about In-Text citations. I also feel like I know about it more because Works Cited is easier than In-Text citation for me. I need to learn how to properly use the In-Text Citation and when/ how to use it.
ReplyDeleteBefore doing starting the quizzes, I thought the questoins will be harder to answer, but they were less easier than my expectation. Boths quizzes were really easy to do. Especially, the second one was very easy. Doing these questions helped me to know that I well understood how to write MLA format in text citations and works cited citations.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the second quiz was easier than the first one, the only question I got wrong on the second quiz was because I said it was correct when I missed that no entry for "Gosden" should be in the citation. The first quiz was pretty easy as well, it helped me learn more about the right context of a citation.
ReplyDeleteBefore starting the quizzes, i thought i would do good with MLA format because we spend so much time in class about how to do them correctly. Though i did not to exactly bomb the quizzes, it was good to see how i can improve on introducing and citing different quotes. I also found out reading the little information about the excerpt given is also good when taking these types of quizzes because they give you information you will need to cite the quotes given correctly. Overall both quizzes were helpful and provided more practice with citation and MLA format.
ReplyDeleteI was pretty confident with the in-text citations, and I got all of those right in the quiz. It was actually the work cited quiz that stumped me. It occured to me then that I had just become so used to using work cited generators that I no longer memorise the format.
ReplyDeleteI thought the first quiz was easier then the second. I am used to citing in all my papers now that identifying the mistakes in the first quiz came a little bit easier to me. The second quiz I found a bit harder to identify the mistakes. All the citations looked the same for the most part and therefore I found it hard to select the incorrect one leading me to guess in some of the questions.
ReplyDeleteI understood a lot of the content in the first quiz, but I realized that I don't tend to double check my work. However, the second quiz I did horribly. I usually just follow a template for those and never really tried to memorize the various formats. So, I learned that I need to learn to cite using MLA format in case I ever need it off-hand.
ReplyDeleteThe in-text citation quiz was a lot easier than the works cited quiz. I got all of my answers right or at least I think I did.The works cited quiz had me second guessing myself, so I did okay on that one.
ReplyDeleteI believe the second quiz was more of a trick question. After reading the quiz I went back and read the instruction Goldsen was the main citation not Gosen. I believe that was the main reason why I didn't pass the second one. I believe my problem is that I rush into things to fast which cause me to miss the little things. Quizes and tests are not my strong suit. taking things home sitting down and collecting my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThe quizzes online were okay but I personally didn't do too well. They citations were a little tricky and I got a lot of them wrong because they all looked similar but they weren't. The second quiz was a little harder then the first quiz but at the same time I didn't score as well as I wanted.
ReplyDeleteMy answers on the first quiz were all correct. The second was a bit more challenging because I had to recall the specifics for formatting of a works cited page. I was surprised about how well I did, after taking five years of English I'm glad that the material I've learned through the years is engraved in my memory.
ReplyDeleteI did very well on the first quiz and not so good on the second quiz. I was surprised that I did poorly on the second quiz but I feel it is because I have always used MLA generators so I don't look over the structure as much as I should. I now know that even though it is OK to use the generators I should spend some extra time reviewing the layout so I can do it on my own.
ReplyDeleteAfter doing the two quizzes it helped me a lot with citing sources and actually making me think. What threw me off the most with the second quiz was the underlining. Overall it was easy and helped me understand more about citing.
ReplyDeleteI did not do as expected. The first quiz I did relatively good on and the second quiz I did poor on. I felt that in text citation is pretty much self explanatory in that it should have the title of the author and page where the quote was found. I certainly need more practice on the work cited page especially with multiple sources.
ReplyDeleteI didn't score as well as I wanted to on both quizzes. I think I need to go back and review how to correctly site sources. For the first quiz, the writer paraphrased a lot of the quotes, which I was a bit confused about because I didn't know if I had to put quotation marks around it still. As for the second quiz, I didn't do well on that. All of the answers looked the same and looked correct, but I guess that just goes to show that I need to do some more reviewing on this.
ReplyDeleteThe online quizzes were pretty easy. i did pretty well. i was confused at first, because i wasn't true what exactly i had to correct, but afterwards it became very simple.
ReplyDeleteMy answers on both quizzes were all correct so I'm pretty sure I did a good job. The in-text citations were surprisingly easy and I'm confident I have a good amount of knowledge on both MLA format and in-text citations. -Elizabeth Lizama
ReplyDeleteI did pretty well on the in-text citation quiz and the works cited quiz. Becuase of the many citing mistakes I've done in my past essays and the feedback I'd get for the mistakes, I was able to point out the mistakes in the quizzes. I still think it never hurts to review the rules, just in case, seeing as how I keep making little mistakes.
ReplyDeleteThe first quiz was easy enough. However, the second quiz was way more difficult. I did not do as well as expected. Luckily for me, it was extra credit.
ReplyDeleteI did a lot better than I anticipated that I would. Ever since high school I've always used online databases to create my works cited pages so it was nice to see that I am able to recognize mistakes. I need to learn to be able to do my works cited without the help of databases.
ReplyDeleteI do not know how well I did on the first quiz because it did not give me my results back but hopefully I did okay. As if goes for the second quiz, I did not do so good. That does not surprise me because I am not very good on grammar or anything English related.
ReplyDeletei did okay on the quiz, but not as well as i had hoped. the first quiz i was not to hard it did not sync with my answers perfectly but it was very similar. the second quiz i felt like i had no idea what was correct and incorrect off of the top of my head. i did not bring my book but i did an educated guess on what i kind of remember
ReplyDeleteI did good on both of the quizes. The only thing that confused me was rhe title underlining on the second quiz. Other than that it was pretty easy for me. I found the qoutation correction quiz was the easier one and I answered all but one correctly. The question with the brackets really confused me and I missed that one.
ReplyDeleteThe first quiz on in-text citations was easy enough to understand. Corrections weren't too hard because I've learned how to cite correctly through trial and error on papers that I have turned in in the past. The second quiz was kind of confusing because all of the answers looked the same. It might be because I always use the "easybib" website to help format my works-cited page and don't actually make an effort to memorize how one should cite articles in essays.
ReplyDeleteIf you think citing your own work is hard, try correcting another person's work...its a bit harder! In the first quiz on in-text citations,I had trouble trying to distinguish the voice of the passages and trying to find where to properly place the citations. My corrections were different from the "answer", but I believe that my citations were on point. By looking at the corrections, I am able to add into my writing different ways to cite my paper.
ReplyDeleteThe second quiz was a little confusing based on the format. I agree with some of the previous comments that the answers started to look the same, making it hard to distinguish whether or not it is correct and incorrect. I commend the experts who are able to look at works cited and find the little mistakes I missed.
Both tests were easy, but the in-text citation test made me practice citing sources. The works cited test helped me remember the order to write the original sources. I did very well on both quizzes, however I did not know that when using [...] you should use brackets around them.
ReplyDeleteRobin Choudhury
ReplyDeleteBlog Quiz 9
Dore Ripley
College writing 2/ English 1002
For the first citation quiz I felt it was a bit hard to understand. The directions did not seem very clear to me, and it took me a while to find out what to do. I found the article on the quiz very interesting because it was about marriage problems something that I am much interested in. I attempted to correct each of the citations. The first one didn’t even seem to have any citation of any sort so I inserted the author’s last name and the two page numbers. Most of the citations in the first quiz only listed the page number, and not the author’s last name, so the last name of the author is what I added to most of the incorrect citations. I think however I may have cited the wrong page numbers when citing on some of these. For the second quiz I seemed to do poorly because I only got two out of five correct. In this part of the quiz we had to choose between true or false about the citation in question. This quiz confused me a lot because I had a hard time telling the difference between the different citations. Most of them looked very similar. I put correct for most of them because they all seemed cited correctly with the author’s last name and the page numbers, so I don’t know what I did wrong. I am probably going to have to learn more about citations to correctly cite in my papers.
As an international student, I have no idea what the MLA citation were before I came here to study, and I don’t know how important it is for a college student in America. Until I failed one of my paper in my English class 118, I realized how important to write a correct format of citation and cite work.
ReplyDeleteI know how to direct quote in-text citation, and it is pretty easy. The hard part is the page of cite work, I can’t even figure out which is author’s last name or his first name. Different sources from different sites need different citation format. When I was writing an essay with outside source, I need to spend my half hour on my work cited page. I am super scary to write a work cited page.
Before taking this English class, works cited pages and in-text citations were not something I could "do in my sleep." In High School, I learned about these necessities briefly and believe it or not, was taught how to use specific engines online to create works cited pages and in-text citations. These websites with engines that created it all for me were a blessing, however, I soon realized I would have to learn how to write it myself. These quizzes were very helpful. I received a lower score than I expected. I scored well on the "In-text" citation quiz, but not so hot on the "Works Cited Page" quiz. Overall, it was very helpful to learn the process of it by visually having to read it and make sure each aspect was correct.
ReplyDeleteThis quiz sure was a wake up call that I need to learn how to cite things properly, especially with the final coming up. I do support the reasons for citing things, its only fair to give the person with the idea the credit. Even if it is a pain in the neck to add every time you want to use a quote. There really are a lot of great websites and books on this topic that either help you cite or do it for you, which is pretty darn cool. Will all this different help floating around, there's no reason for your papers to be un-cited.
ReplyDeleteI actually enjoyed this blog. It's a wake up call for those who feel that they have the right to take whatever they find online and make it their own. They don't think about the hard work and effort that the original author put behind their words to share with others, to teach others. That's the whole point of it being available to the public eye. Why take credit for something you didn't write, or think of? That's not only wrong, but disrespectful to the original author.