
Tattoos, skin color, or ethnicity, age, and preferred activities can all lead to stereotyping.

But is all stereotyping bad? The authors of They Say/I Say assert, "Some people dislike such labels and may even resent having them applied to themselves. Some feel that such labels put individuals in boxes, stereotyping them and glossing over what makes each individual unique . . . [But] if you categorically reject all labels, you give up an important resource and mislead readers by presenting yourself and others as having no connection to anyone else. You also miss the opportunity to generalize the importance and relevance of your work to some larger conversation . . . The way to minimize the problem of stereotyping, then is not to categorically reject labels but to refine and qualify their use" (Graff 79-80).

How would you improve or refine stereotypes in order to justify using them in your own writing?


  1. In my opinion I think there is no way a person can improve stereotype labels in order to justify using them in their own writing. Every individual has their own way of thinknig about things. For the older generation, our parents for example they think tattoos are horrible. But our generation continue to keep getting tatoos because it may be their hobby or way of expressing themselves.

  2. I think there's no real explaination to improve sterotype lables in order to justify using them in our own writing because everyone is different in their own ways and everyone has their own oppinions. People have their rights to think and say whatever they want and you can't change people opinions because thats life. Regardless, there is always going to be someone who agrees/disagrees with what you think. For instance, some people can say that tattoos are a way of expressive themselves and is symbolic to something important in their life, while others can say it's childish and unprofessional.

  3. In today's culture, there are many sterotypes, many of which are false. But some are true. They may not be a bible, nor is it correct to assume that anyone in the given group does as the sterotype says. But many sterotypes are true - people who grow up in poor neighborhoods statisically commit more crimes than people who are well off. Women are better than men at multi-taksing. All these have been proved.

    Stereotyping is a guide, but it shouldn't cloud your judgement about a person. Best leave first impressions as first impressions.

  4. I would have to say that i agree with one of the top comments about how there isnt a way to improve stereotyping. However, i do feel that sterotyping is bad and ignorant. people shouldn't have to judge others before getting to know them first. For example those who have tattoos, they probably have a special signaficanse behind it and they feel that by carrying it permantly on their skin it is a way to show there sympthy, but yet people still can careless and assume the worse.I believe that people in todays society should make the effort of being more open minded of others and try see every person as an individual rather than one big stereotype.

  5. Stereotyping comes with life. Its difficult to believe that one day all labels will disappear, but I'm sure the future "MLK, Rosa Parks, Ghandi.." will change that. But, stereotypes has been created by ignorance. And ignorance is only cured by experiences, and an ability to have an open-mind. I've been on both sides of the fence. Living in Alabama, showed me racism because of ignorance, because of what people are taught in their own society. But being in Cali, has taught me that everyone's so busy talking about everyone. And what they think of everyone. And they don't spend enough time getting to know the unfamiliar. --going off on limbs here. But yeah

  6. I think that stereotypes cannot be changed. It is a way that people classify people, and I do not believe people will change their opinion about a certain race or age group. Nevertheless not all stereotypes are true and I feel people are quick to judge without getting to know a person. Not everybody in the same race acts or talks the same way. Stereotyping can be funny if you’re talking about your own race but it can get disrespectful. I believe the only way to prove a stereotype wrong is by not acting like your stereotype.For example if your Latino/a to overcome your stereotype you can attend college and graduate. Or if you live in a poor neighborhood you can make something of yourself and not become a victim of you r circumstance.

  7. In my opinion, stereotypes are a common norm due to our surroundings shaping our thoughts and perceptions of the world we live in. if we were to be taught how to view society differently, just as we were taught to view society the way we have been looking at it since we were taught, then it would be a start. Stereotypes may be correct at times, but there is no justification of assumptions as to whether individuals belong in a label due to their actions or the majority of their race, group, or whatever else they may belong in’s actions and often can be disrespectful. The best way to remove yourself from a stereotype would be to not fall into the stereotype. For instance, if your kind is known to not drive well, then be the best driver amongst everyone who doesn’t belong to that stereotype, not just amongst your kind.

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