Free Comic Book Day - May 5, 2012

Can you believe it? It's almost time again for Free Comic Book Day! Each year the comic book industry encourages READING by giving comic book stores FREE comics to share with local communities. In the Bay Area we are lucky enough to be able to visit the birthplace of the world's largest comic book event -- Flying Colors Comics in Concord.

Flying Colors is located at 2980 Treat Blvd. (at Oak Grove) and they will be giving everyone who shows up for Free Comic Book Day at least three free comics.

But that's not all! Flying Colors Comics will host pro guests for Free Comic Book Day--- writer Zack Whedon (FCBD Star Wars/Serenity Flip-Book) and artist Georges Jeanty (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)! From 3PM-5PM, meet writer LANDRY WALKER and artist ERIC JONES (Image Comics' new DANGER CLUB, SUPERGIRL: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade).

You are encouraged to show up to the event in your favorite comics (especially!) or media-related costume (Browncoats, Jedi, Stormtroopers, Vampire Slayers?). Flying Colors invites you to get there at about 10:30am because they're working on a media-related event that could get you in the picture.

Remember comics are for everybody and reading is wherever you find it!


  1. As residents of this area, we are extremely lucky to have the birthplace of these events right around the corner. This event is a good way to get people of all ages to enjoy themselves for a couple of hours. With all these kids cooped up at home watching TV or playing video games, taking them to Free Comic Book Day will introduce them to other activities that can replace sitting on the couch. Reading comic books will be a better activity than what they are used to doing. The comic book strips include a story to tell and also require them to read. The illustrations are sure to draw children in and encourage them to read more. Flying Colors has done a great job on spreading this event and giving people the chance to enjoy comic books on an international level.

    1. This is pretty interesting- I didn't know about this event until now. I read a lot of comics (especially Japanese comics), so this post in particular caught my attention. The only places I find these kind of comics are places like Borders or Barnes and Nobles, but with Borders almost completely wiped off of the map of Bay Area, I haven't been able to find a nearby place to get my monthly comics. I'm considering going to this event since it IS giving out free comics (who doesn't like that?). And since I am mostly a Japanese comic fan, I hope to can expand my "comic book horizons" and look into different kinds of comics that I haven't read before.

  2. This is something new for me because i have never heard of anything like this. I think it is petty cool that the bay area has something like this for all the comic lovers. Even if you do not like comics, anyone can enjoy a free gift, plus you never know after your first comic you start liking them and collecting them. You will never know until you try. I have always liked reading comics and collecting little action figures. I get really excited now when the movies come out of like super heroes. Comics are always nice to read because its like a little movie that you are reading yet watching at the same time. i think i am going to tell my uncle about this event only because he enjoys and collects comics as well.


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