World's Dumbest Facebook Criminals

Everybody knows to avoid posting really dumb stuff to Facebook - except, apparently, these guys.

Criminal Justice Degrees Guide just posted an infographic entitled "20 Cases Solved by Using Facebook." Here are some of the highlights:

An EMT (who lost his license BTW) posted crime scene photos of a beaten and strangled woman on Facebook.

A 16-year-old bragged on Facebook about plugging up the local library's toilets causing $247,000 worth of damage and a five month closure. Guess who's going to jail?

Another guy tried to hire a hit man via Facebook to kill a woman who accused him of rape. He now faces 11 to 22 years in jail.

A young woman posted a video of a burglar she caught in her house. "Wait is that the guy I just befriended on Facebook?" Yup. Arrested.

If someone has a restraining order against you, do not "poke" them on Facebook.

Don't eat endangered species and then post a video on Facebook. Do not masquerade as a royal prince on Facebook. Do NOT ever go camping alone with somebody you just met on Facebook.

Police are beginning to use social media more and more to investigate crimes. Social media, while fun and a great way to stay in contact with friends and family, is a haven for criminals who can surf through a large public pool full of victims. Don't end up a victim.


  1. I believe this article is totally true an dmakes alot of sense. Most of the time people are unaware of the things the post on social medias. They know that it is a public source, but I guess they are unaware that it is open to everyone to see and do not realize the interent is no place to put anything that you dont wont the entire world to see or hear.

  2. This article is funny but true. Many people are not aware that the things they post are open to the public. Even though you might set your profile to private, people are still able to see what you have on your page. Whether its authorities, your future boss, or a hacker, anything you post is fair game. The people describe above might be considered the "Worlds dumbest criminals", but we shouldn't be focusing on them, but we should thank the internet for being able to find these criminals by their decisions to show off. Another thing this article tells us is to be careful!

  3. People are still unaware of the real consequences of virtual reality. Social media give another possibility for many to showcase their "achievements" and "happiness", to access "a moment of fame" and boost egos. Behind a computer screen people feel protected and less exposed and are willing to share way too much. Unfortunately it's the other way around, usage of social media exposes you more and ultimately you are less protected.
    Ps: there is a typo on the fourth paragraph "16-yEar-old"

  4. This article or blog made me literally laugh out loud. My common sense my be off at times, but these people need sincere help.

    Regardless, this just shows on a larger scale of exactly how unaware people are of what they are posting on facebook along with other growing social media sites. My "friends" on facebook frequently brag about things that I, myself would be ashamed of.

    Aside from the whole legal issua and actual crime scenes and what-not, this brings us back to the commmon topic of how what you post on these sites is a reflection of who you are. Yes, this is a moral and a self-standard type of situation but when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, facebook (twitter, tumbler)is a common source for where future careers resort to see how you carry yourself.

    I hope these are the individuals that I am up against with job interviews.

  5. After reading this article I have come to a conclusion that I am going to deactivate my Facebook account. Because I don't want to ever forget that the WORLD is Watching what I post something STUPID like the crazy people in this article. I do not know what it is with people nowadays. It seems as if people forget their brain on their pillow when they wake up. whatever happened to "think before you speak"(or post in this case) But really though, people do the dumbest things. I remember once upon a time when people kept their dumbest confessions a secret. Now it seems like doing dumb and out of pocket stuff is the style. It is ridiculous how they tell everyone about their dumb acts and feel good about it.

  6. Reading this article made me more aware of the dangers that can happen to someone through Facebook. I became aware that anyone can be stalking where are you going and whether you are alone or not. I also didn't realize that many people would post their criminal activities. In my point of view, it is ridiculous many will post what they do. If they would want to get away with what they have done, they should not post what they have done. It is pretty smart that the police is using Facebook to look for criminals. It does disturb me that there are people out there that can cause someone physical harm through the use of Facebook. I would only use Facebook to stay in contact with my family and friends who are not with me in Northern California. I learned to not post my personal life and if I were to go somewhere by myself. It is important to only accept the people you know and to only post up things you would want everyone to see, not only your friends and family.

  7. This article is hilarious yet very true. People are so oblivious to be posting such things. Media and facebook are good ways to connect with people but can also be very dangerous especially when girls are meeting random men and then agree to go on blind dates. There are scary and mean people in this world that are simply out to get others. Also, personal information should never be put out on media like this examples given unless you want the whole world to find out. In some cases it was very beneficial to police officers who have caught victims due to posts on facebook. What people don't understand is that million of strange and weird people read personal information so why expose yourself and put yourself out there?

  8. Facebook has almost become Big Brother from 1984 by Orwell. Always watching you and knows what you are doing. Facebook literally is doing that. You write, you post pictures, post videos, and comment. In turn, people can see this and criminal justice personal. Everyone does know not to post stupid stuff on facebook, but many still do. For example, friends post pictures of themselves drunk, vomitting, and doing drugs, thinking it is cool. But in reality it will bite them in the butt if their parents see them. Another thing I see is my coworkers posting pictures of them doing stuff on work that they probably aren't suppose to be doing. If our manager saw, he would understand why things are the way they are. In the end, facebook seems to allow social freedom, but instead in the long run restricts it. If you are caught doing something your parents dont want you doing, well you will get in trouble, and if you are seen doing something at work you arent suppose to, you probably will get fired. Thanks Zuckerburg for creating a computer version of Big Brother.

  9. This article is really funny but also very true. some people post everything on Facebook, with absolutely no shame. They don't realize how many people have access to see everything even if you think you're profile is set as private. People can still view your information through a mutual friend of yours. Employers are also starting to look at Facebook for hiring purposes, which seems a little extreme but fair because Facebook is a puplic record and people have a choice to put their information out there or not. It seems to make sense that law enforcement would start to look at facebook for answers or leads to crime offenders. I have facebook but I never put anything on there that I wouldn't want anyone to know about and if I doubt putting something on their, I just don't.

  10. This article was head on. Its not on the same level as some of these things that are in the article, but my Facebook newsfeed is full of pictures of weed, people smoking and drinking, people who are definitely underage. And I don't understand how they feel comfortable posting that stuff, since most of them dot have their accounts on private. And if that's the case then they are screwed. If their parents or bosses see that they are in deep trouble. Also, since your profile isn't private then its open for complete strangers to see. It honestly blows my mind how people get away with the things they do now-a-days, since its all over the internet.
    -Madeline Scott-Brown

  11. This article is hilarious. People post these unnecessary things for attention. But, in the long-run they're just hurting themselves. I'm at the point where on Facebook I don't even post statuses anymore, I simply just post pictures. It's not that I'm paranoid, it's that I don't want people knowing about my everyday life. It's not necessary, and people simply don't care most of the time. I also read down my newsfeed to see what irrelevant things my friends speak about. I remember that one of my acquaintances on Facebook posted about, "I'm gonna kill that b#$%h! I hope she burns in hell." I remember posting on it saying, "Are you just doing this for attention?" It's simply stupid to me. People will go as far as saying that, "It's alright, my Facebook is private.. only my friends can see it." That's not necessarily true, I'm sure cops can see literally anything with a simple okay. It's simple, what you post on social networks, is NEVER hidden.

  12. While reading this article I was laughing so hard. How oblivious could these people be to post the stupid things they've done on Facebook. Aside from the big debate that bosses, officials, and over authoritarian figures can somehow see your Facebook even though it is completely private any normal person that saw you just killed someone and posted it Facebook would report it and the person would be under investigation. When first getting a Facebook all of my peers would tell me the horror stories about "well so and so just got kidnapped" and "so and so kept adding random people. she found out some hot guy in the picture ended up being a 45 year old rapist". Alright mom, I got it. Don't add people I don't know. But this links to not adding people that might be weird and break into your house after you befriend them. All of this stuff being on Facebook just boggles my mind because these people are attention-seeking idiots.

  13. The social network online is no longer private. If people believe they can get away with crimes or giving out information that should be kept quiet, unfortunately, it does not work like that anymore. Facebook is a great example to spread the news. Some people want to tell others what they have done in order to gain the attention. It could also be that people do not realize how much of the posts is being seen by law enforcement officials and even the government.

    Posting of such things like the crimes people commits help law enforcement officials find the "bad guys." The article states examples of what people posts that gets them caught for the crime they committed. The crimes that they commit, creates victims since posting of dead bodies or hiring hit mans shows how much criminals want attention and puts scary incidents out for the public to see.

  14. The article “ Worlds Dumbest Facebook Criminals” briefly explains the variety of things people post and get themselves into some type of trouble. I find this to be very true. I myself went through a stage in high school, I was honestly immature and thought I knew everything at the time. So I did post some “stupid” things on Facebook and got caught up for it. People need to stop and think before posting un anything on their Facebook news feed. Believe it or not your business or what you think is your personal business on social networks is really open to the public. Statuses and photos spread like wild fire on the news feed and others will show others. Not only are police starting to use Facebook for solving crimes, but employers are also. They want to see what the person they are potentially hiring does on their free time. Not only does it reflect on you if there is a variety of immature posts, but it reflects on the company you work for and you definitely do not want to make your employer look bad.

  15. Social networking is something for people to meet new people and connect with their friends online. Nowadays, people are getting out of hand with their "posts" putting very inappropriate things. For example, I know a lot of people who are always posting pictures of drugs and alcohol on their facebook. What's even worse is that I know that there are a lot of parents and adults who are "friends" with them and could easily get them in trouble. Posting pictures of yourself when you are high and drunk is not very smart when your friends parents have total access to your facebook page.

  16. I think its good that police can use Facebook post to solve crimes but what if someone posts something that they are only joking about or trying to claim credit for a crime they didn't commit? Like the boy who clogged the toilet might have just wanted other kids to believe he did it so he would seem cool but in reality just got a huge bill for a crime he didn't actually do? I think there has to be something more than just a post to prove someones innocents or guilt. People ingeneral should always be careful of what they post online because it might not just get you in trouble with the law but also employers or family members.

  17. I love silly people like those. Haha. I haven't heard anything like this. However, once I did hear of how a man was convicted of something pretty serious and was thought of as guilty until they read his Facebook statuses of the day of the crime. Turns out at that time he was eating some pancakes that his mom made or something like that. Some people are really crazy though. Once someone made a duplicate account of my cousin. They even took her pictures and used it, then continued to add her friends until she sent in a report. There are some crazy people out there and they're the reason why I'm very picky with the people I add on Facebook.

  18. How stupid do you have to be to do something like that? I mean, come one, where is the common sense? If you're up to no good and posting all that stuff online, you should be able to figure out that you're going to have to face the consequences. I was seriously laughing when I read all of these, because I honestly can't even fathom how ridiculous that is. You're not "cool" because you destroyed a library, kid, but I guess you're cool now because you get to sit in jail and think about it. Kudos, really. Job well done.

  19. First, when I read the titel of this article I had to laugh. But after reading it through I must say it's true. Some people for whatever reason post stupid stuff like this on facebook though they know that they'll get in trouble. On the other hand it's good for the police that some of them already confessed that they are going to do/did something since they are using social media more and more to investigate in their cases. But seriously, if you have nothing better to do then writting a post like this, then stop using facebook!

  20. I think some people assume that others pay no attention to what they post on Facebook, but they can be wrong. This article may seem a bit humourous but is completely true, there are poeple who post pictures or videos of them doing stupid things and not thinking them out carefully. I once saw a video posted of a group of guys teepeeing their teachers house. If the man would have seen this video those kids would have been in a lot of trouble. So teens especially, need to stop posting videos and pictures like that on their Facebooks.

  21. I think this article is ver good because it simply tells the truth about facebook. Alot of people never really realize that police/crime investigators use facebook to get answers to all their problems in society. those whom thing their facebook profile is "private" do not actually know that anybody can get through any body elses facebook page and get behind blocks on facebook. i believe that you should never post anything on facebook that you wouldnt want others to see, talk about or tell others about. If you dont want that than dont post on facebook or any social media on the internet.

  22. When people post these type of things on the internet I think they do it to look cool or to get attention. They post a picture or status of them doing something stupid and then it ends up biting them in the butt. One time over the summer my friend kept posting open house addresses and party addresses on twitter and the cops were already tracking his twitter so by the time everyone showed up at the address to party the cops were already there shutting it down. And ended up being all over the news. That's a huge reason why people should watch what they put online.

  23. People should have learned by now that public sites, like Facebook, EVERYONE CAN SEE WHAT YOU ARE POSTING!!! If you do something worng that has caused a lot of damage and you want to stay hidden because you are scared of getting in trouble, the #1 rule is to NEVER post what you did on a public site! Someone will turn you in, and the next thing you know, jail is your next home.

  24. I have known for a while that some people may not have the common sense to know what is right and wrong behavior on the internet; but these stories were on another level of lack of common knowledge. It is surprising to know that a profesional EMT would be dumb enough to post pictures of a patient on his facebook, let alone a dead patient. One would think that as a profesional, he would respect the privacy and lives of her loved ones who may have seen those pictures. As for the people who be-friend people that they do not know, I do not think that will change anytime soon, but one would hope that it does, because being dumb enough to do that can lead to dangerous situations.

  25. This is related to the fact that the internet is unsafe. Any information posted or conversation you ever had could be possibly seen by anyone. Posting things that you have done wrong or that is "breaking the law" is very idiotic because your letting the whole world see what you have done. Obviously this isn't very smart is the guy got caught. I mean, if your gonna do something wrong, at least have the decency to hide it.

  26. I love watching the "Stupid Criminal" style shows and seeing facebook screenshots of criminals admitting to their wrongdoing. It really amazes me that people really have that much trust in the people they have as friends on facebook. It only takes 1 friend to turn you in, and in today's age where many facebook users have over 1000 friends, it should be no surprise that what you post on facebook may be used against you.

    My father is an arson investigator, and occasionally I would help him find a suspects facebook or myspace page where these people would post videos of them starting fires to the PUBLIC. They did not even bother to keep it private between their circle of friends.

    I guess this is natural selection at it's finest.

  27. As bad as it sounds, I quietly laughed at this article as I read. Facebook is one of the most un-personal sites. No matter how you tweak your "privacy settings", you're still pretty much exposed to everyone who gains access to your page. I used to be a super active Facebook user; it was fun and entertaining. Okay, maybe not so entertaining literally, but there's something about it that makes you refresh the page every 5 seconds to keep you busy. That was until I learned about how Facebook stores everything in their database. I was so bothered by this. Everyone thinks Facebook is a harmless site where you can express yourself freely, but...
    I've seen so many stupid statuses and pictures that it made me feel sick and sympathetic for this site, as well as the users.

  28. Many people are unaware of the things that they post and what the consequences will be. What we post is for everybody to see and it can always be used against us. Facebook is a place where we can be whoever we want to be, say whatever we want, and post what we want. People post thoughtful messages, what they do and think and fortunately for some people, such as the police find it beneficial to them. People are being caught red handed, and it is by their own actions. They want to be praised for what they did, and because of it they are being caught. If your stupid enough to commit the crime, and post it all for people to see, then your just sentencing yourself to jail.

  29. It never ceases to amaze me what people are willing to put on their facebook's. I seriously question what goes through their heads. "Hmm should I let everyone know I just committed a crime? Yes I should people won't tell the cops". This has to be what these people were thinking when they brilliantly posted their problems to the social world. If you see something wrong on Facebook tell authorities!

  30. Many would speculate that is pretty much common sense not do somethings that the author pointed out in the article. After reading this i firmly believe now that common sense as what we believe it to be; very "common" isn't actually so common. Especially after the section when the author talks about the EMT posting pictures of the crime scene that occurred. So with that last statement keep in mind , even though social media is fun and all its also a huge playground for criminals seeking easy victims.

  31. I really enjoyed reading this article, it made me laugh so much. This article is so true! Some people can be so stupid. They go on their social media like Facebook, and they will post whatever they feel like without thinking what it could do.They will do anything to get attention for likes. They are just not aware of what they post on social media sites and they probably do not realize that anyone can look at their posts and pictures. From personal experience, I am on social media a lot. I see a lot of people post stupid statuses and pictures and then try to take it down and regret it later. I have never gone through this but I know I always think twice before posting anything on social media sites.

  32. This article was both very amusing and eye-opening to the fact that so many people do not have common sense. They go to jail for doing and bragging about the most ridiculous things. For example, why would an EMT ever feel compelled to show off a dead woman, or why would a little boy feel the need to clog a library's bathroom, these are the types of things that only people without common sense would find justified. I'm also happy to be finding out that the police is using social media more as a way to investigate crimes. If people are dumb enough to post evidence of anything that will even remotely tie them to the crime, they deserve to be caught. Although it is also unfortunate that people without common sense can also end up being a victim. Although it is 100% not their fault, we need to simply find better ways to educate people the harms that can also come through social media.

  33. This article was both very amusing and eye-opening to the fact that so many people do not have common sense. They go to jail for doing and bragging about the most ridiculous things. For example, why would an EMT ever feel compelled to show off a dead woman, or why would a little boy feel the need to clog a library's bathroom, these are the types of things that only people without common sense would find justified. I'm also happy to be finding out that the police is using social media more as a way to investigate crimes. If people are dumb enough to post evidence of anything that will even remotely tie them to the crime, they deserve to be caught. Although it is also unfortunate that people without common sense can also end up being a victim. Although it is 100% not their fault, we need to simply find better ways to educate people the harms that can also come through social media.

  34. Gabriela Delgado
    English 1002-02
    This is so crazy, I've never really heard of someone doing something so stupid, although I can see it happen. I usually use Instagram and I see several of the people who I follow or who follow me put things that make me wonder why would you post that up. It's ridiculous. Social Media has gotten out of hand, this post actually reminds me of this one situation that was shown in the news in which a man got shot by another man and he then posted a picture on Instagram showing that he had just gotten shot. This is ridiculous, how can they even handle the pain of a bullet in their arm and take a picture. This is what society is coming to, this is so weird.

  35. This post is hilarious. Its known world wide to be cautious of what you post on your social media, and some people just don't seem to get it. I remember one time during my freshman year of high school, a girl was taking pictures in the girls locker rooms while girls were literally half naked changing. Not to mention that it was right after swimming class. I remember scrolling down my Instragram and seeing about 2 to 3 pictures of her with half naked girls in the background. My immediate thoughts were like really? Why would you post something like this? She had tons of followers and I couldn't believe how stupid she was to think she wouldn't get caught. She ended up getting suspended since that wasn't the first time she had posted an inappropriate picture.


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