Sometimes you just gotta dance . . .

Everybody gets stressed out.

Sometimes it's from too much studying, or lack thereof (I'm gonna flunk this test). Other times stress comes from too much working, or lack thereof (How am I gonna pay the rent?).

But sometimes you just gotta dance . . .

At other times, just having a good laugh will clear your head and help you move onto harder subjects, even something like physics, or whatever the professor is teaching in the following video. A cathartic emotional release purges the emotions and relieves emotional tensions, "especially through certain kinds of art, tragedy or music." Both of these videos qualify as art, such as music and, in Zoro's case, even a bit of tragedy.

So take time to laugh and then get back to work with a fresh outlook and you'll find things may just be a little bit easier.

What kind of quick stress relief do you practice to keep your head on straight?


  1. I thought the first video was decently funny, but I loved the Zorro video though. It was very well thoughtout and made for a good laugh. It reminded me of when I was in highschool and we would advertise for our shows by doing something along the lines of the Zorro video. When we did Cyrano we went to classes in full costume and would burst in with our leads sword fighting and then we would talk about the show. When I'm stressed I like to make a list of my week so I know what I need to get done. Then I normally spend time with my friends and just relax a little.

  2. Both videos were funny. But the Zorro video was actually original because I would have never thought people would do that randomly in the front of a Physics class with hundreds of people in it. When I want to relieve stress from school I usually blast my music as loud as possible and place my backpack on the total opposite side of the house. The music will basically take me to a different world without any responsibility.

  3. Although I couldn't actually listen to the videos, watching the people dance in them was still very entertaining even without sound. But dancing isn't exactly my way of relieving stress. In order for me to relieve stress I find it most helpful if I just power through whatever I'm doing and try to complete as much as I can. This might sound a little crazy, but if I sit there and do something to relax, then I won't go back to my work which will cause me to get ten times more stressed out than I already was. I am not the type of person to take breaks during my studies or work simply because I feel that once I get my stuff done that my "relaxing time" will just be more worth it. When I am done with my tasks, I usually find comfort in being with my friends, shopping, listening to my music loud, and going on the computer. Things like these seem to bring my stress level down and make me appreciate what it's like to accomplish the hard stuff so it makes the fun stuff seems ten times better than it did before.

  4. I think in order to be successful in school, there are times when I shouldn't take things as serious as they are, and just have fun with it. Being serious all the time stresses me out way too much. So when I do my "homework", tests or whatever I try to put some sarcastic humor into it. Most of my teachers will be ok with it and some won't. For example in my math class, if I don't know how to figure a problem out on the test, I'll write "My secretary will get back to you on this." If I kept working on the same problem, i would have blown my brains. Although my chem teacher doesn't like it when I write conclusions with self-esteem effects after the lab. He just gets mad. That is one class where I can't screw around.

    This also reminds me of a high school class I took. My senior year I took a physiology class where my teacher would perform for us on special holidays or events. He has sang for us many times and dressed up in awkward attire. He gave us laughs when needed.

  5. I thought the first video was hilarious! The second one was good too. Lately, I have been finding myself watching the Ellen show on YouTube to relieve stress because she made a challenge to her watchers called "Ellen's Dance Dare". It is where people go up behind random strangers and just dance behind them. I crack up laughing at them every time! Another thing to help clear my head is leave silly videos on my friends walls or text them funny pictures. Lastly, I go on Memebase which never fails to make me laugh.

    Here is the link to the funniest dance dare:

  6. When stressing out in school or work, there is always something that can relieve it. Watching these kinds of video's on YouTube are most definitely one of the options to relieving your own stress because they are humorous and also gives you a good laugh. My personal stress reliever is listening to music really with the bass turned up a notch and just chill like there is no tomorrow. Then, my stress level will go down soon after. Both videos shown on the blog were funny without even hearing the audio. Especially the first one.

  7. Everyone has their little ways to relieve stress. Whenever I have a long day or when someone makes me upset, I either turn on some music and relax in my room, or depending on how stressed I am, I run as far as I can and for as long as I can. When I'm stressed, sometimes the feeling of running as hard as I can until I cant take another step is a good way to let it all out. I If I'm unable to run due to the weather, I do the exact opposite of exercise; I sleep. after a long day at work with your mean boss, what is better then going to bed early, or just taking a short nap? If only I actually had time everyday to run or just get more sleep. because if I can have just one hour everyday dedicated to relieving stress, Life would be a lot easier.

  8. After a long day at work or school, I usually come home and try to relax for about an hour before starting my homework. I prefer to watch some television shows, play video games, or listen to music to help myself wind down. Currently my favorite tv show to watch is Community, I have already downloaded the whole first two seasons and half the third season. Its a really great show, and since its about students at a community college I can really relate to a lot of the characters.

  9. I do not have a quick way to relieve stress. If I am stressed about school or while doing homework, I stop what I am doing and take a long break. I usually go to the gym or go play basketball because those are the only two things that really calm me down when I am doing work. I know I get stressed when I think about things that I have to do in the future so to relieve that stress I make lists of things that I have to do. I have a list for every day of the week and then my final list of things that need to be done by the end of the month. That may sound like a lot but it keeps me organized and keeps me from going completely crazy.

  10. I do multiple things to help me relieve stress. Out of all of my stress relievers I have two that are my favorite. I am very athletic so working out or exercising. When I exercise it is like I am in my own little world. I play my music really loud and go through the motions. I forget everything that is bothering me. The second thing that I do to help relieve my stress is take a burning hot shower. When I do this it relaxes all my muscles that are tense and tired. The down side of taking this shower is not only does it feel like my skin is on fire but I get really tired.

  11. After watching both videos, I like the second one better. The reason for this is because Physics, even in its lightest form, its very hard to understand. Having a stress relief, such as Zorro, helps students get a good laugh and clears their mind of any stress. The second video also reduces stress in the sense that the person who is dancing might have a big test coming up and he reduces stress by dancing. Many students reduce stress in their own ways and for me dancing does not work lol. When I have a big test coming up, I usually just do not think about it. I go for a walk and enjoy the sun and wind. I clear my mind and do not even think about the test. Usually, if I stress right before a test, I do worst. When I don't, I do really good.

  12. There is always a time of the day where I become really stressed. It is either at work or at home. Work is really stressful because sometimes we are under staffed so we have to be rushing everywhere trying to get a lot of things done at a time. We always tell our manager about this dilemma but they do not do anything to fix it, which is annoying and stressful. After work I still have to go home and do homework. This just adds on to my stress level because some of the homework is very long or difficult. When I get to the point where I'm just going to explode I go take a shower to calm down or take a long break to watch television or listen to music. After doing this I am more calm and I can concentrate way better.

  13. My stress relieving strategy is writing and writing for hours about whatever bothers me. I wish I could dance when I am under a lot of stress, but I think that dance would not be anything like dance :D

  14. Whenever I get stressed, I read or write or play video games. In other words, I use my imagination to get away from reality for a while.

    When I read, I tend to read fantasies. Stories that take me away from this world and throw me into another one to follow characters of all shapes and sizes and personalities. When I take the time to just unwind and read a good book after a long day, it really helps to relieve tension because it's like, when I really get into a story, I'm not in my own body anymore. I'm experiencing the things the characters are and, even though they might be worse than events in my own life, it's infinitely more exciting and I feel like I can just get away for a while.

    The same thing happens with writing, only I'm the one bringing the magic this time. I love being able to imagine all sorts of scenes and having to describe them and bring them to life on a page. I'm the type to make all sorts of plans and notes as I write a story, so sometimes I might take a break from the plot to flesh out the setting.

    As for video games... well, that's kind of a no-brainer. I mostly play fantasy role-playing games, where battling monsters is the way to go. That, coupled with a battle system where you have to hit the buttons repeatedly, is a nice way to relieve stress quickly. Sometimes, when I'm just frustrated to the point that I want to scream, I just turn on the console and start hunting monsters. Violent and maybe a little bit morbid, but, hey, at the end of it all, I can go back to my homework or essay or what-have-you with a fresh mind.

  15. Both of the videos were very funny. I can relate to the first one because music is very important to me and is my quick stress relief. I usually listen to music when I'm doing homework, or when I have to read many pages. Even though some people think it's not a good idea because I won't be paying attention to what I'm reading, I still do it. Another great stress relief for me is that I try to watch Disney movies every weekend. Since the weekend is when I have most homework to do, I try to watch movies before doing homework. It relieves me of my stress because Disney movies always bring back my child hood memories. I also try to watch movies after I finish a certain type of homework so I can have a break and do my work again.

  16. LOL. The second video is hilarious. I wish that would happen in my POSC class… (-_-") It's always so quite and boring. Usually when I'm feeling stressed I'd drop everything and play some Tetris or pool online. That's if it's just a quick break, but if I have more time I'd probably go hang out with a friend real quick and go to Tapioca Express. Sometimes if I really need to do something else, but can't leave the house I pull out my guitar and relearn how to play. I used to play, but gave up once school started taking over all my time. Sometimes I'd even take a shower, blast the music, and just sing along, but that's only if no one is home. >xD

  17. Both videos were very funny, the first one especially. I have definitely been in the same place as the guy dancing before. I remember I was cleaning my room once dancing and had my headphones in blasting my music. I turned around and my dad was at my door, it was so embarrassing, he just laughed and closed the door.
    The things I get most stressed about these days is probably homework. Writing is one of the major stressors, as essays can often take the longest to do, and getting writers block is the worst. Whenever I get stressed out, I usually listen to music, walk my dog, ride my bike, or even go for a drive and blast my music. Sometimes I resort to just taking a nap, which usually freshens me up.

  18. When i'm stressed out due to college,I just go to sleep and forget about everything. Other way to get my stress out of my mind is through dancing with my friends. I breakdance also known as bboying, to have fun and just being myself out there. I don't like writing research papers in the last minute due to procrastinating. In the near future, I'm going to do all my homework and papers ahead of time.

  19. The majority of college students deal with stress, but everyone handle stress differently. Stress has become my best friend in college, but it depends how you react to it. When I ever I feel stressed, I like to just lay down relax and meditate. One thing that helps get my mind off things is listening to music. Also, I don't like to think a head of time. I take all my homework day-by-day and go with the flow, this has helped me out a lot. Sometimes even driving off campus helps me relax and get my mind off things.

  20. College equals stress. You must learn to deal with it or it will ruin your career. Stress is apart of life and even though it is not always easy to cope with, that is just another speed bump of life. When I get stressed out I try to think of all the things that I am doing well at instead of all the things that I am not doing as well or worries about. I also like to just lay down and relax and take a nap or even just watch a funny movie. I try to find other things to distract myself with, not to forget about the problem but to get away from it for a little while and to then go back with a fresh pair of eyes and figure it out. Relaxing is one of the best ways to calm down and relieve stress for me. However, stress effects everyone differently and we all have to find out what works for us.

  21. When i'm under stress I do some yoga, watch soccer or take a stroll in my neighborhood.This activities help me release my tension. I sometimes choose to listen to music that is inspiring and relaxing.Other times I share my concerns with a close relative or friend. Stress can damage your physical, emotional and sometimes spiritual wellbeing. It is very important for us to find suitable ways of managing it. feeling stressed out is normal and nearly everyone feels some stress on some level at some time, so we should not feel embarrassed to look for some help if necessary.

  22. I have a really deep passion and admiration for dancing. When I dance, I don't have to think, I simply just do. While learning choreography I do think, but I think in my own type of way since I know no body else is thinking the same thing I am thinking of about the choreography until I voice my thoughts. But when I dance, it takes my stress away because just like anything anyone loves to do, it is something I find easy and beautiful. I can move any way I want without being judged because it is my own expression so nobody can tell me I look stupid. That is was relieves my stress, doing something I love to do that is also a way to express my anger or sadness and even happiness. Dance is my safe haven away.

  23. A good stress reliever is yoga or music, Yoga is a way to relax the mind and body and makes it easier to focus, music on the other hand doesnt really relax you but in a time of stress it can make you feel comfortable and in place. Everyone stresses especially around finals and midterms, aside from music and yoga the best way to study is in intervals, time how much you study, take a break, recap and continue studying this way you wont feel overwhelmed about learning alot of material and it might seem to make sense after you take your mind off of the subject for a while

  24. A good stress reliever for me is music. i just put in my headphones and lay on my bed and close my eyes.i could lay there for hours getting lost in the music.


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