I Love Spell Check

I may love spell checker, but sometimes I think it makes writers lazy.  I know I often have to open up a blank Word document to check on a simple word that I can't remember how to spell.

This poor student has spent way too much time in front of his or her computer and can no longer spell.  If you type the following poem into Word, not a single word comes up misspelled and, according to Word, there are only four grammar mistakes.

Eye Halve a Spelling Checker

I halve a spelling checker

It came with my pea sea

It plainly marcs four my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the error rite

Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it

I am shore your pleased to no

Its letter perfect awl the weigh

My check tolled me sew.

Have spelling and grammar checking functions in your computer made you a lazy writer?  Should we worry that dependence on grammar and spell checkers are making us less literate?  Do you ever use your phone or computer to look up a word? 


  1. spell checking is really good for us to write a paper. I have to say that aometimes when you write your essay and you can't remember how to spell a word correct. at that time you just need to spell first several words then the computer will help you to spell the word and you only need to find one of them which is correct. but i am agree with to writer, because he think the spell checking will make people lazy. yes, if everyone use spell checking to write then people may can't remember how to spell many words. so you should try to remember words by yourselves.

  2. Spelling and grammar functions have not made me a lazy writer. I still write most of my notes in my own handwriting so i consider myself to be pretty useful for the most part. I think spell check is pretty useful for people using programs such as Word or whatever Mac users use to do word documents, especially if you have an important paper that's due soon and don't have time to re-read the paper that you just finished writing. It's fast and convenient but i swear sometimes it really has no clue what you're talking about. For instance i try to spell a word and it puts it in the wrong context then later on tells me that i need to "consider re-fragment" or some nonsense. Well thank you spell checker but you could have just let me write what i wanted to write instead of correcting me and forcing me to rewrite something that was fine in the first place. What Nonsense. -_- In a way it reminds me of Google. I always remember having a conversation with my mom where i start typing into Google and it thinks it knows what I'm talking about then where i write "how can i exchange money?" it suggests "how can i .....exchange drugs?" I mean really? I know the internet is free and all but why is this stuff available. Personally, i don't think we should worry about something that isn't worth worrying over. Today's society is too fond of making a big deal out of something or declaring some temporary movement and then forgetting that the whole ordeal existed a couple weeks later. It's sad really. I use my phone to look up meaning of words not necessarily the spelling. I don't know what it is about my brain that lets me know exactly when a word is spelled right and when its not.

  3. I feel that spell checking has been a improved function in modern technology. People even text will spell checkers, especially on apple products. This does make me lazy because if I was typing a paper, i would type fast and not worry about my grammar mistakes. Simple mistakes such as not capitalizing the first letter of a sentence. It corrects it for us, but we do not want to make that a habit in the future, by lower casing those letters. Spell checking corrects our work but we learn nothing because we cannot outsmart a computer. For some people, it makes things faster and easier for them. For others, they rely on this function to get things done, which is not a good thing. Spell checking and grammar depends on the person, whether they are good writers or not.

  4. Of course spell check has been useful for some people but as for me, it doesn't help too much. The only reason why I like it sometimes, is because, I may be lazy to figure out how to really spell a word. When my spelling is incorrect, all I do is right click and choose the right word. That's why I do not think it helps too much. It's for lazy people like me. In order to learn how to spell a word you have to practice it. As for grammar like commas or whatever. It doesn't really help me either. But I mean, for some other people it might really help. I just think its more for those whom are much lazier.. In my case, sometimes I am very lazy!

  5. I feel, spell check helps a lot in writing essay. For international, students it is very helpful, because it takes time to adapt the new language. I really get confuse sometimes but spell check corrects it and makes it easier for me. And it also improves the vocabulary and checks grammar also for commas and other small things which we don't notice but very important. so i don't completely agree with the writer as it is very helpful for non-native speakers. It builds their confidence to use new and difficult words with firs 2-3 letters and if they are incorrect, spell check will correct them and they will learn that word. I don't think it makes writer lazy, but it helps them to improve their grammar and mistakes.

  6. Spell check and grammar checking functions do not make me lazy. Although they are very beneficial for me, I still try my best to get the right spelling on my own before I spell check it. I think that the auto correct function on the IPhone kind of makes me a lazy texter though because I don't fully type out my words because I know that my phone will understand what I'm trying to say and do it for me. As a whole, I think that we should worry about becoming too dependent on the grammar functions because they can in turn make us illiterate. We have to remember that we cannot use these things at all types. For example if you are handwriting an essay or journal entry in class then you do not have those spell check functions. I feel that it is very important to know how to or at least try to remember how to spell words correctly on your own. Personally, I do use my phone, laptop or ipad to look up definitions of words not really much so how to spell them.

  7. The spelling and grammer make us type faster due to we don't have to worry about the misspelling and grammar error. The Word correct the misspelling words automatically, and indicate the grammar errors. This function is convenience for writers. However, for me, this function make me lazy on memorizing the correct spelling of some words I misspelled. When I do my handwriting, I usually forget the spelling of words. Then I pull out my phone to check the correct spelling. This is a bad habit. We have to worry about the dependence on the spelling and grammar checker, because we need to write independently. Spelling and grammar checker help us type faster, but we waste more time on looking up words on phone or computer when we do handwriting.

  8. Spell check and grammer check has not made me a lazy writer, but a better one. Even though there are time when the computer has errors and provides the wrong word, a cautious reader will always reread his/her essay after typing it in order to make sure it is perfect. There are time i use my phone and google to help me spell a word that microsoft cant seem to find, the function of spell check actually helps readers like myself by telling me how to spell a word i cannot so i will not make the same mistake again. Majority of readers have grown to become dependent on spell check especially when they dont know how to spell a word, they expect the document, to provide the correct spelling for them and in this case can cause a student to be lazy.

  9. Reading that poem made my head hurt, but when I got to the last three lines, it made me laugh. I don't think that I have become a lazy writer or speller because of spell-check, but I definitely know that other people have. I get quite a few text messages from people that look a lot like this poem, and while I know that people seem to care less about spelling and grammar in text messages, I'm afraid that laziness carries over into their academic writing. This fear is what makes me strive to use proficient spelling and grammar in text messages and email, even though the recipient may not care. But the truth is that I care. I care deeply. You see, I used to be a terrible speller. So bad, that one one year I got a pocket dictionary for Christmas. Believe it or not, spell-check is what taught me how to spell words correctly. I would type them out, notice that glaring red squiggly line and swap the incorrect word out for the correct one. While doing so, I would take note of the correct spelling, and try to remember that for next time. So, long story short, I don't chastise spell-check for making me lazy, but rather I thank it for helping me learn to spell gooder. (Relax, it's a joke).

  10. That poem was definitely something, it made my head hurt and made me laugh at the same time. I would say at times I have become a little dependent on spell checker. At times I really don't feel like going over my grammar, especially in a text. I know its a habit that needs to be fixed as soon as possible! However, spell check isn't that bad at all. When I was younger and doing homework for school I use to have problems spelling certain words or my grammar was slightly off. But the spell check would catch my flaws in my paper and help me improve it. But relying on spell check to always be there can mess you up as well. It all depends on how you use the "force" of spell checking.

  11. That was a mind-boggling poem to read, especially since it irks you to want to correct every single word that isn't used right. I don't really rely on spell checkers while writing an essay. I'll take the time to delete the word and spell it correctly, same goes for texting on the phone. I've only touched a dictionary only to look up meanings of a word, or a thesaurus to look up similar words. I believe at some points, becoming too dependent on spell checkers or the use of auto correct does make you lazy to spell out the entire word, especially since it spells out the entire word for you. I'd suggest reading books to build up grammar and spelling as it has for me.

  12. I don't think spell checkers have made us lazy writers. I think it has actually helped up, like you said you open a blank document time to time to make sure a word is spelled right. Most of us forget how to spell certain words, which is normal. Also, I don't think it's making us illiterate because since the spell checker is telling us the word is wrong, you should remember the right way to spell the word since it was emphasized. But I don't think we should completely rely on spell check because of things like the poem for instance. All the words were incorrectly used, which doesn't really help us improve our writings. Yes, I do look up words on my phone or on Word to make sure it's spelled right. I think it's normal for us to do so.

  13. I think grammar and spelling checking functions do help, but it does not make me lazy when I am correcting my papers. Sometimes when I use grammar and spelling checks on my computer, it sometimes does not work. For instance, it makes grammatical errors that I would have to go back and fix it. I would also ask my friends to double check my spelling and grammar because the grammar checking function does not always work 100% of the time. Yet, this function helps me be aware that I need to double and sometimes triple check my paper.

  14. I don't think that spell check makes for lazy writers. I personally blame whomever made some of the nonsensical rules of the English language to make words that look different sound the same! (And the fact that I had to actively remember to change "whoever" to "whomever!"). Dropping literacy rates are more a function of shifting cultural norms and values than related to technological advances. I use such technology as spell check, Google searches, and dictionary widgets all the time, because they ensure the veracity *checks dictionary widget, continues* of the statements that I'm trying to convey. They let me know that what I'm saying is actually what I want it to say (at a much faster rate than having to paw through a physical dictionary!).

  15. I believe this post is the sad truth. I use auto correct all the time, and my writing depends heavily on the technology. I almost used it twice writing this comment. I find that the auto correct is actual very helpful, because I am able to spell, but when I type I mistype words so it gets corrected. I don't really see the harm in being punctual and correct. I can honestly say that I have learned many new words because of the convenience of auto correct and digital dictionaries. I come across words I am not familiar with everyday, and I have the ability to look up the definition in seconds on my phone. I don't think the new technology of spelling is making us lazy, we are actually more productive and efficient than ever.

  16. Personally, I don’t think spelling/grammar checkers make me a lazy writer. All it really is is that the checker is looking for mistakes that you may need to fix. The checker doesn’t force you to change your errors, it just gives you instant feedback and you get to decide whether you want to change it or not, so I find it very helpful. I happen to believe that it saves you some time because it identifies your mistakes while you’re typing, which means you can correct it as you go. However, the checker can get annoying when you’re writing essays on Microsoft Word. When I see all these words being underlined in green or red, the first thing that comes to mind is “what the heck? why is it incorrect?” Then it makes me want to fix it until it’s correct. In addition, the spelling and grammar checker is sometimes clueless on what I’m talking about and the most common suggestion that I get is “fragment consider revising.” This makes me reread my sentence and then usually, I’ll be like “no, I’m right.” I don’t know why but the checker sometimes even rearranges my sentences from active voice to passive voice. Not only that but if Word tells me that I misspelled something, I’ll use my computer to Google the word and look up the meaning to clarify that I’m using the right word. As for phones, like the iPhone, it has auto correct but the beauty of it is that you can turn it off. I leave my auto correct on, which sometimes changes my words to something else but the words that they insert are pretty funny. Overall, I don’t think dependence on grammar and spell checkers make us less illiterate. If anything, I think it just improves our vocabulary, spelling and grammar skills. I don’t know if it’s just me but do you ever look at a word and stare at for a long time that you think it’s spelled wrong? It happens to me all the time!

  17. Spell check has definitely made a lazy writer, in fact I just used it in this sentence! It makes me more likely to forget or even care that I spell a word wrong or forget how to spell it. Since it will tell me automatically if something is wrong I don't think about how to spell words. I do not believe spell check is making people less literate, just lazy in using correct spelling. I do think that we need to make sure children know how to spell since young kids are using phones and computers more than before. I use my computer and my cell phone all the time for spell check. But using the dictionary app is not much different than using a real dictionary.

  18. I really like this because this is so me. i use spell checker for everything when im on my lap top. and its bad because now i cant spell some of the easiest words, or it takes me a while to figure out how to spell them again. and when i use it when i am writing papers and it doesnt caught all of my mistakes for me then i lose points. i try to stay away from it but its just so convient for me.

  19. Spell check has probably had a huge effect on all of our lives. Ever since spell check became availible more people are relying on it to be able to cancel out their mistakes and finish a word they may not be able to spell. I feel like if people really do depend on spell check then it can effect their literacy. If people were to use their own prior knowledge then I feel like they will be able to use spell check as an advantage rather than let it become something that affects their literacy.

  20. I think that is crazy how you can type that entire poem in to Word, and not one word would come up misspelled, and there are only four grammar errors. I definitely believe that spell check has made us all more lazy writers and we are very dependable on spell check. I am guilty too. I will use my phone, or open up a blank Word document just so I can see how to spell a word. Granted, I am the world's worst speller. I have never been good at spelling, but that's because as a child growing up, I never read. This now comes back to haunt me with my horrible spelling even though I am a freshman in college. I must say that I am getting better. I will try to sometimes do things the old fashion way and look up words in the dictionary, however, I can never find them, so I find it more efficient to just look words up on my phone. Technology and spell check have all made us more lazy as well as hindered our learning. We are not held accountable for our spelling because we can all just use spell check. This is a flaw and needs to be changed. We shouldn't have to rely on spell check to spell words. Learn how to spell, reading helps with your vocabulary as well as your spelling so take it serious.

  21. This almost gives me a headache just to read. It's mindblowing to see how many mistakes you can type and it's not an issue in Word. In a way spell check has changed the way writers write, we can become too reliable on it. On the other hand, i think it's great. Sometimes when i'm typing up and essay my mind kind of wanders and when i see something is spelled wrong it's very easy to fix and i don't have to do much proofreading. Spell check should be used to help us out at our convenience, not do all the work for us.

  22. Spell check is found everywhere in our lives now. It helps people not spend much time to write correct words. However, when people get used to it, people depend on spell check more than they really need it. Also, spell doesn't recognize in terms of grammar problem. Even though it is right about grammar, spell check sometimes tells us there are wrong. Therefore, I think people should be careful to use spell check.

  23. I think spellchecker is one of the greatest things I ever had. Of course, for some people it is addicting, but for others it can be a good advantage. It can make lazy writers out of some people. However, it only helps if you use it properly. I use it only after proofreading word by word, and in this case it makes perfect sense. Its main purpose is double-checking. For a non-native speaker like me, it is also a source of learning new words. We, actually, should be aware of becoming less literate. Laziness can create dependence, so people really have to be careful with it. I look up words quite often, but again, only for double-checking. I believe this is the best way you can use a spellchecker.

  24. yes it has made me a lazy writer because everytime I write my papers I write without stoping, and dont care of any mistakes I have, at the end I just doble check and use the coputers application to fix my mistakes. this application corrects the mistakes I have. This app. has made things easier to writers and if they hang on in this, they will ever learn how to write correctly. I do use my phone or computer to look up a word that i do not understand what it means or how it is written.

  25. it was informative image for me to read spell check because we can solve our mistakes of spelling of any word .the writers showed that how we correct our wrong spelling word.it is

  26. The coin has two side, everything also dose. Spell check is invented for help people to correct and remind their spell when they did not realize. But in this easy, the author used a very extreme way to deny the program. As an artificial intelligence program, it is great enough although sometimes it is unable to understand what we wanna type just like the poem. All things that I can say is, the program is dead, people is alive. We create the program to help us, not let us to depend on it to spell. It is human's problem to find how to use the program in right way. Don't blame the thing that you create.

  27. Spelling checkers has be very helpfull but at the same time are not very good for you. For students like me (international students) is the best invention ever, cause it help us a lot, espetially when we are writing in a language that is not your first language. now the other side of the spellchecker is that doesn't help in your development of writing skills. It make you lazy and dependent of this spellcheckers.

  28. Spell checkers are very useful, only to a certain extent. As a student, I use my computer for writing essays and I think it is very useful not only for spell checking but to check definitions. However, spell checking on the computer is making me a lazy writer because I am so used to the computer correcting it. And sometimes some of the words they replace it is not even the correct one and I will not notice it until later. Spell checkers will cause a problem, but not to the point where it will make everyone illiterate enough where we do not know the meaning or spelling of any word. I do use the computer or phone to check for the definition of word

  29. Spell checkers can be very helpful but they do not always catch all of your mistakes because if the word is recognized in the dictionary, they believe it is correct. You should always reread your essay and edit it because you can't rely on the computer to do sufficient work for you. I also suggest that you get a few peer edits because the more eyes that look it over the more accurate it will be. I try my best not to rely on the spell check because i have submitted a paper before without reviewing it and realized it messed up a couple of my words because it recognized a different word within the dictionary on the computer. Overall, spell check can be beneficial to some but you have to be very careful using it because it may help your essay but at the same time it can ruin your paper.

  30. Technology overall has made us all lazy. A lot of us prefer typing instead of writing by hand. Typing is easier to a majority of us who have already been exposed with the spell checker because it can always look up words and or check, grammar. I always use my phone or the computer to look up words. We rely on the computer or our phones more, which has made us lazy. Depending on grammar and spell checker is in fact making us less literate. Microsoft Word is often used for writing. It checks your grammar, spelling, and many other things. But the thing with Word is that it does not always catch all of our mistakes. I know that technology has made us all lazy because we do not even use the traditional dictionary anymore, rather there is an App on smart phones or websites.

  31. As a matter of fact, especially for me who is a international student, we are very lean of spell check, even though sometimes the spell check system will correct our word to a totally different word, but at least, spell check help us to know if we spell the word right or incorrect. In addition, spell check such as the software Word 2010, we use this useful writing program to create essaies, and the spell check inside this software could even underline our wrong grammar and bad sentences. So, in short, spell check does help most of the times. In contrast, spell check is not that good on poem or other kinds of text, for instance, I remember I type one of the sonnet from Shakespeare, the language is very differ to our modern English so that the Word spell check system keep underlining those "Incorrect" grammer. Overall, spell checking is just a tools, it does do its work which correcting wrong spelling, but we have to still looking on them carefully.

  32. Spell checker can be a positive and negative source at the same time. It is a positive invention because it corrects your grammar as you type onto the word document page. Whether at times the spell check can fail and state that something is wrong when it is not, its the authors decision to decide. While I still maintain the idea that spell check is a good source, I can also see why it is bad too. Spell check has shown that many people are becoming more lazy. As an apple user, I can agree and say that it is true. People tend to rely on their apple gadgets and when they start to type in a letter or two, a suggestion pops up and usually tap on it since it is what the user wanted to type in. Spell check has given us a good feedback when using a word document page, it can also make us be lazy.

  33. Having spelling and grammar checker in my computer has made me lazy to re-read my essay. When I am in a hurry, I have an expectation that Word will show me any mistakes that I typed. However, I do look over my essays or anything that I have typed because I do not want people to think that I do not know how to write. We should be worried that we have a dependency for our computers to check grammar and spelling errors for us. It makes us more lazy and prone to mechanical errors when we are physically writing an essay or report. I do use my computer and phone to look up a word that I do not know how to write or to find out what the word means. This is one of the positive things from our technology because it is hard to be carrying a thick dictionary everywhere we go.

  34. Using spell check has some good points and some bad points as well. I use spell check for fasting up my speed on writing an essay, improve my grammar and fix my errors. We as college students all use spell check and we all know that by using spell check we are becoming lazy and lazy every day. spell check helps me write my essay faster than sitting around writing with a pen and paper and look for a word in a dictionary for half an hour. I makes me also very lazy because I can fix my errors by taping on my mouse. It also helps us in many ways. Many international students have a hard time remembering the right spelling for a word. In this case they can find it and remember it.

  35. I actually use spell check a lot, I have it automatically on my phone and on my computer. I normally look up words I forgot how to spell or know but don't really know how to spell. I guess you can say that spell check has made us lazy because we depend on it so much instead of looking up the word in the dictionary. The negative side to that is that spell check is not always right, so we are either stick with a word we are unsure of or we are given an word that is completely off from our original word.

  36. I believe that having spelling and grammar checking functions have in fact made me a lazy writer, but not extremely lazy. Every time I finish a document on Word, I tend to use the spelling and grammar check just to see if Word has caught any mistakes that I perhaps didn't. It doesn't always seem to work because like the poem above if the words are spelled correctly, it doesn't matter if they are used correctly in the piece of writing. I wouldn't say that spelling and grammar checking functions are making us less literate because we don't use such functions for everything . Some people rely heavily on spell check when texting and I happen to be one of them. I use the Swype option when texting that gives me the correct way to spell a word I attempted to spell correctly. Sometimes I will look up how to spell a word correctly on my phone say for example when I'm writing a paper by hand.

  37. I use spell check on my phone when I'm not sure how to spell a word or to see if i'm even spelling it right. Even though it's automatically on my phone, it doesn't necessarily make me a lazy writer. Others, like the one from the poem, depend so much on it that they believe whatever it tells them even when it's wrong. That's one con about spell check. There are times when you spelled a word right and it corrects you wrongly. In a way spell check can be positive and negative.

  38. Much like with a computer, texting has also made people lazy when it comes to spelling and grammar.Before auto correct was invented, I noticed when I get texts from certain people, they spell things incorrectly on purpose and shorten words. Sometimes this even translates into their on paper writing. Now that auto correct is available or standard on every phone, people are not worrying about spelling at all, and just hoping that the phone guesses the right word. Sometimes the phone does not guess the write word, and the phrase ends up sounding completely ridiculous.

  39. Yes, I am worrying that depending on grammar and spell checkers makes me lazy. When I was used to write on paper everything, I used to spell correctly, but after I substituted my writing paper with my laptop, I didn't see that I am improving any spelling. If I write wrong spelling on my laptop, it either automatically correct or gives me the options to substitute it with the correct one. So, I don't worry too much to understand it for the future use. It is actually helpful to use grammar and spell checkers for the time being to avoid misspelling, but it's contribution for our future is less.

  40. This article makes a very good point. I have a love / hate relationship with spell check. It saves me the trouble from looking around a dictionary for just one word. I am always the person to use spell check. But I can notice that I am a very bad speller. When I’m supposed to spell a word out in class or when handwriting a paper I don’t know how to do it, because I’m so use to spell check doing it. Spell check is not always the best thing because you can write a word and it can correct it into a different meaning. I agree with the article that it makes us as writer lazier and it doesn’t helps in the future. As technology advances we get lazier and lazier in everything.

  41. I really enjoyed this article. I don't say this often about reading and I wish I could but it was genuinely fun to read this poem. But from the looks of it, this article refers more to cellphones' (auto correct) rather than to computers' (spell check.) Auto correct, automatically corrects what it may think is wrong and spell check often just underlines a word with a red squiggly line. At least, that's how I believe it is. With that being said, I have a preference for spell check. Since with my cellphone, for example, if I wrote "People are so irritating." it would auto correct it to "Perils are so irritating." I surely did not mean that there would be any immediate danger around me and it was irritating me. I don't think spell check makes people or writers specifically lazy but I know the "swype" option on my phone makes me lazy. Instead of typing out the word, I "swype" it on my keyboard and hope for the best. That's when the auto correct comes in and begs to differ with what I meant to say.

  42. Spell check is very useful when it comes to writing a paper. When writing a paper I always seem to misspell a word and it will tell me when the word is spelled wrong, but when I'm texting I always like to shortcut words so I don't have to spell them out but it always auto corrects my words. Spell check underlines the word with a red squiggly line. Auto correct, automatically corrects the word for you. I wouldn't say its bad its actually helpful if you don't catch a word you have misspelled.

  43. Spell check, although useful, has indeed made me a lot more lazy. Even when I know I have misspelled a word I don't go back and fix it I just right click on it and have Word do it for me. Sometimes I even wish it was possible for Word to be like a phone where you just have to start typing the first part of the word and have options come up on display so that you can just see the word you need and click on it. I think that would be helpful especially during lecture classes. I don't think we should worry too much about this "problem" though. As long as we always have Word an our phones with us, we should be okay.

  44. I liked this article and thought it was pretty creative. Spell check is a very useful tool but I do not think it catches every mistake. Many people rely on spell check and do not even bother proof reading their papers, which I think is necessary for every paper you turn in. I usually spell check the paper once, and then proof read it at least two times. Better safe than sorry. Spell check is awesome but I do not rely on it, because if I did I think that would make me an even lazier writer than I already am. So I try not to count on the spell check but rather rely on proof reading it myself and/or having someone else proof read it. I have to say I do look up words on my phone or on the computer to check if I spelt it right. Most of the time I know how to spell the word but there are some that are tricky and I'd rather write it correctly than misspell it and have to go back and fix it.

  45. Grammar checking function has indeed made me lazy. Every time that I forget how to spell a word I open a page right away to Google it rather then searching it on a dictionary. I often rely on my technology devices such as my computer and smart phone to make my life a lot more easier on me. Depending on grammar checking function is not always the best option to do. I've had experiences were I'm writing an essay and I check my grammar, but many times it gives me the wrong word or something random that I do not need. At times I might forget to go back and revise and at the end of the day I end up returning an essay that will make no sense, but who's fault is that. That our fault for not revising and for relying for much on grammar checking.

  46. The importance of spelling and grammar has changed over time. Growing up I always remembered looking up a word in the dictionary and not relying on spell check. I agree it does make individuals lazy especially those who are not the best spellers. Spelling and grammar check has made me a lazy writer in a few ways but not completely. Usually I am aware when I misspell a word and I will go back and correct it. Often when I am in a rush I rely on grammar or spell check instead of identifying the mistake myself. However, when I am texting the autocorrect function automatically corrects me. We should worry because people are depending on the functions like autocorrect and that function requires no thinking. I do use my phone or computer to looks up words; I use the dictionary app on my phone and the dictionary.com website when I am on the computer. In my opinion the dictionary should still be utilized still today, whether it is the actual book or online. The advances in technology can make us less functional and it will require less thinking which is not a good thing. Overall looking up a word does not require a lot and people should use resources to improve his or her spelling and grammar; instead of depending on a computer/phone to identify the error.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I don't think it necessarily makes you lazy, but I do believe it takes away that motivation to learn how to use grammar correctly, because if word does it for you, then why learn the right way when Word can do it for uou and gives you the "correct" answer? And because of this reason, yes I believe we should worry that "that dependence on grammar and spell checkers are making us less literate." I actually do use the computer or phone to look up words. Often. I do not like to rely only only on Word or any grammar checking functions that computers have. I have to make sure and do my own little research myself.

  49. I will admit that the ease of having a computer spell check for me has dulled my spelling skills a bit. There are words that I do let my computer auto correct, but I do go back to check if it was indeed properly corrected. I also do use my computer to look up some words if I am not absolutely positive about how to spell them. While I don't completely rely on my computer to check for my grammatical and spelling errors, I do let it spare me the trip to my bookshelf to search for my dictionary.

  50. I do not think spell-checking makes you a lazy writer, but it is up to the writer himself whether they will check their own mistakes or not. I personally think it is a helpful mechanic, since I usually do not see my own spelling mistakes until after I print them out, but we should not rely on it too much, since I know that people that use it on phones seem to have a hard time with it, letting the phone use words that the user did not want to use instead. Sometimes you have to fix your errors on your own. There were also a few times where I would look up a word online, but only because I either forgot or wanted to know a definition. It is not that much different than using an actual dictionary.

  51. This blog is very powerful because even though you know what it is that you want to say, doesn't exactly mean you know how to say it. It's crazy how this whole poem was written with words that sound like what it is that the author is trying to say but in the words they use is completley different with a whole different meaning. Even though all the words are spelled correct, it doesn't get the point across that the author was trying to say. I wouldn't exactly say that spell check is making us lazy as writers and does help us out, but it doesn't help if you don't review what the word being corrected is supposed to mean.

  52. I personally do not feel that online spell-checkers/grammar checkers have made me a lazy writer. Although it is quite helpful when typing up my papers, I do not rely on it and I continuously go back and reread my sentences for grammar and spelling errors. However this may be different from others who actually do depend on their computers to check/correct their papers, which causes a concern that we may be becoming less literate. I also occasionally use my phone or computer to look up words usually to double check if I have used them properly or to find the definitions.


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