Got 18 Minutes to Learn the History of the World?

You can learn the history of the world starting with the Big Bang and covering the next 13.7 billion years brought to you by Open Culture: Big History . . . and all in less than 18 minutes.

David Christian, a professor at Australia’s Macquarie University and formally trained as a Russian historian, Christian began working on Big History in the 1980s, a meta discipline that “examines long time frames using a multidisciplinary approach based on combining numerous disciplines from science and the humanities.”
Need to brush up on your history - ALL history - give this lecture a try.

After watching the video, can you appreciate lessons taught via video outline and graphics?


  1. got 18 mins history of the world is so interesting for me to watch through over the was so informative video i really like it.David christain has opened the culuture of history by saying some specific examples that he tried to clear to the people .he explained how the big history in the 1980s began and how the people examined long time ago a meta discipline and many more


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