Leave an Imprint

No one lives forever.

As you get older, you look back at your life and ask yourself, "Did I make a difference?" "Did I contribute something?" "Did my being here matter?" In other words, did you do something that left an imprint?

Do you ask yourself these big questions? Or do you avoid them? And more importantly, what imprint do you want to leave?

Are you going to be a force for positive change through your life and career choices?


  1. I do think about these big questions a lot. I've had a few people in my life who come to be continuously for advice, and I always ask myself if I'm really making an impact in their lives by helping them. And I honestly think I am. I believe that helping people with simple words marks a big imprint in peoples lives, even if they don't do anything with what you said, as long as you've said it and it's out on the table, they will remember it in one way or another. Perhaps one day they'll be thinking about something that would lead them back to what you've told them even if it was years ago.
    I want to leave a kind of imprint that tells people I'm always there for them, no matter what and with open arms. I think imprints like that leave the biggest part in people's lives and hearts :)

  2. As I am getting older there are many questions I ask myself, and yes one of them is did I make a difference? I think everyone asks themselves this question is because we are all humans and want to leave a good difference in this world. I want to make a positive change in this world before leaving it, I am still working on it but hopefully someday before my time is up I will be able to leave this world a better place.

  3. I had never once considered any of these questions. Why waste my time when we are all going to die anyways? We won’t be here to know if our imprint made a difference when we’re dead, will we. Will we care what the world does in the after life, if there even is an after life?? I have to say I do care what kind of an imprint I leave behind. I may not care after I’m dead what it is, or even be bothered by those who will live to be affected by my imprint, but I have my daughter now and if I can leave something for her or her kids to remember me by I would like it to be something they can be proud of. I’m not sure what my imprint will be but I’m going to make it a good one! ------->yours Elena

  4. if nothing else i want to leave an imprint on my family and friendly circle. some parts of me think that since my time is ultimately limited, why bother? but when it comes down to it, i realize that as much as i want to live a happy and excitement filled life, i want my children and family to be able to live the same way. after seeing the amount of stress my parents still face on a daily basis when their business is doing less than average, i've come to the decision that failure is simply not an option. as long as my family are able to take something positive from my existence here and i made the most of my time, i think i will have left a great imprint.

  5. I think everyone should be thinking about these questions. I definitely have thought about them and I hope I can make some type of difference in this world. If not, I know that I tried and that I definitely made a difference in the people that I did come in contact with in my life time.

  6. Yes, I do ask myself these questions. I want to leave an imprint mostly on my family, friends, children, and possibly grandchildren. My family and friends have always been there for me and I want to do the same for others. However, I don't want to leave an imprint just so people can remember me after I pass away, but rather, I want to make a big difference in this world. I don't know what or how I'm going to do it yet, but it will be a positive change.

  7. This is a question that I ask myself very often. When I left high school or when I leave any type of area or institution. It seems to be human instinct to want to matter within a place, to stand out in the crowd. Many do not want to live this world as just a ghost going through the motions of life. Although I am young, it scares me to think about not being remembered when I pass away. To be insignificant in the future. I want to at least leave my footsteps in this world.

  8. No one should feel obligated to be the 'change' in the world. It's completely up to the individual whether or not they want to have an everlasting impact. I feel as though the people who take their own personal time to impact the world for the greater good should be rewarded in some way, proportional to the impact they made. I choose to be as helpful as I possibly can and I end up giving others the moral support they require to get through the day. My art is another form of positive impact; who wouldn't like to see a bright mural in a place with so much negativity? Its a sign that hope can still bloom in a concrete world.

  9. I believe a big part of who I am is a sincere,kind, and loving person. I do things for people unconsciously because it's my first instinct. I will always continue to be a positive force through out my life and hope to make a difference in other people's life. Whether it's words of wisdom or physically helping others I will do my best to make someone smile. I want to be remembered as a positive, humble, helping, and happy human being. As a nursing major, I love to hear woman's experience during labor and many have bad experiences with nurses and others have remarkably good experiences. I want to be that nurse that made a woman's labor just a little less stressful with the way they were treated. I want to be that nurse patients request to have because i make them feel comfortable and safe. For many people, serving others may be a little difficult, but for me it's something that comes natural and enjoy doing. I may not be able to change the world but if I can make a difference in just one person's life I would be more than grateful.

  10. When I was younger I use to ignore the big questions because I never really knew what I wanted to do in this world, but the older I got the more I started to think about it. I ask myself questions everyday about what I want to be remembered by when I'm gone. I don't want to leave this world without making a difference to at least one person because if I don't then what was I doing while I was still alive? I want to help someone and making a difference in their life. The imprint that I want to leave is that I was very caring and helped people and kids succeed in their lives and I wasn't selfish. I want to be a positive role model as a teacher.

  11. I don't ask myself these questions mainly because I feel too young to have an answer to big questions such as my "legacy". I intend to be a "positive force" but my interpretation is less moral and has less to do with doing what is "right" but more with being myself and true to my person. By doing so, by being able to be "me" I feel like I can contribute more to others and perhaps be a positive force. I hope to contribute as much as possible in every aspect of my life but I am not obsessed with being remembered, I think it is a bit egocentric and you end up losing yourself in such a quest.
    In terms of my career I sure hope to have the possibility to bring another vision, have the opportunity to implement my ideas and hopefully they will have a positive impact.

  12. I definitely want to make a difference that will affect people in a positive way when I am gone. I am a very generous person and I love to help people with their troubles and as a college student I struggle to pay for my college expenses because I go to a college that I cannot afford to go to and the economy is really and right now and to help out people in my situation I want to start a scholarship program that will help teens entering college for the first time so they do not have to worry about how they are going to pay for college like I did by doing that they can just focus on school.

  13. I think everyone wants to make a difference some way or another in someones life if not everyones. If you were to ask someone "What would you like to do before you die?" I am willing to bet at least 50% of people would say "I want to make a difference." Many people actually want to make a difference but some people do it just for the fame and fortune that may come with it and I think that is sad and pathetic. Don't try to do something for someone just so that you get rewarded for it, do it because you want to and that it will make you feel happy that you helped someone or maybe even someone and their community. I have done my fair share of helping out in my community and others as well. I have done a lot of volunteering through my church and that has made a huge impact on my own life because it thrills me to see other people happy and excited that they have been helped. For myself, I wouldn't choose a career path where I wash;t helping people. Currently I am studying Psychology but as I progress in college I will be going towards Psychology for Mental Health and eventually want to work in a Psych Ward to work with the people that have severe abnormalities. I hope that I will make a big difference in their lives because that would be awesome!

  14. I have always had this feeling in life like i was put here to do something different, something amazing. Not to leave an imprint to be known for when after i die but to actually make a difference. Right now I am trying to obtain my associates in Biology so i can tranfer to UC Davis. My goal is to be a veterinarian, and also study horticulture or botony. My dream is to own a farm and an animal rescue, live off of my own resources. I plan to make a holistic dog & cat food to bring in income. I absolutley love animals, I was the little girl always bringing home stray aniamls, begging my mom to keep them. I want to have horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, goats, turkeys, etc. I want a farm, I can treat my animals right so they dont suffer. I want to rescue all different kinds of animals from the cruelties of the human race. I have never first hand seen the crueltiies but I have read about and seen pictures of truly horrific acts animals have been through. I will be there voice, I will save them when no very few even bothered. My dream is to own my own land and resources so i can rescue, and take care of hurt, abandoned, or dying animals. I know I will see things that will scar me forever in my life path but if i can make a difference in even a couple animals life i will have succeeded in my destiny.

  15. I actually avoid asking myself these questions in life. I think it's because right now I'm really unsure on what I want to do in the future. I think an imprint I would want to leave is definitely something positive. Nothing too big but also something that I can remember when I'm old. I would probably say since I want to work with kids that are mentally challenged, I would love to have an impact in their life and show them that I am a person that will never look at them differently. I feel that this will leave a great impact in their life and it will end up making me happy in the end.

  16. I ask myself these big questions occasionally. I try helping others as much as I can. Such as family, friends, and sometimes, even strangers. I was taught to pretty much put others before you, or help people out if you are able to. When my friends and family need help, I put whatever I'm doing aside to go to their aid. I don't do this to try and get something out of it. I just want the positive attitude to spread throughout others.

  17. I think everyone has questions like these cross their minds. It's always important to evaluate these questions in life because, it shows that you are concerned with what kind of life you lead, and what legacy you will leave after you are gone. I honestly do ask myself big questions such as, " Did I make a difference?" or "Did I contribute something?". I try not to avoid big questions like these, because they are important to ask oneself and ultimately define who we are. For me, I honestly do want to leave an impression with the life I lived. I may not do something tremendously important with my life, I may just be another normal person walking down the street, but I will hopefully make a difference in the lives I touch throughout my life.

  18. I believe we all like to think in one way or another we are very important, and that we have made a difference in peoples lives or someones life. i do ask myself if being here is matters or whether i have made a difference. When i question myself about those questions i often define reason through the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is basically the theory that the formation of a hurricane can occur from the flapping wings of a butterfly several weeks prior. Through that example I justify that if i did not exist the people around me would probably be worse off without me. The imprint i strive to leave is that rewards aren't necessary in order to help others and that as long as you apply yourself you can better yourself no matter what type of background you come from. I will be a force for positiveness because even if i instill change in one persons life that's enough for me. At least on some level i have given to someone what was given to me.

  19. I think I speak for all when I say that time passes by incredibly fast as we get older and life seems to be shorter throughout time. We learn both bad and valuable lessons that make us mature and be the person who we are today. When I look back at my life, I do feel that I have impacted people's lives by volunteering in my community and always being their for the people that matter to me the most. With my career choice in the medical field, I know that I will have a great impact in my patient's lives because their health will depend on me. Even though I am just one person out of the million in this world, I do believe that just one person can make a difference. At times I avoid asking myself if I am doing the right thing academically and in my life because I guess that as a teenager, I just would not know yet. A good life is making a good difference. Giving to others and expecting nothing in return is what I live by every day.

    -Daisy Cabrera

  20. To be honest i always think about these type of question. It is hard to think about our impact on the world or other people. I don’t believe, at age 18, that I’ve made a difference in the world. I don’t feel the responsibility to create a big impact on the world, but i do believe small gestures that affect other people in a positive way is enough for me.

  21. I'd like to think that I've made at least some difference in the world. I've been there through hard times with my friends and family and I feel like I've helped them feel better. I think my closer friends will remember for most of their life and I will remember them. I may not have saved hundreds of lives or caused a great political change but I don't think that makes the small changes I have any less important. What is important is to never give up on how you change the world even if it doesn't seem like a big deal.

  22. I like to ask myself these questions because it reminds me that I have an impact on the people I associate myself with. I hope that my presence puts people in a good mood and makes them feel comfortable to be themselves. I wouldn't necessarily avoid these questions when I was younger, but I definitely didn't understand them to the extent that I do now. I have more of an idea of who I am now that I'm older and I know that I have the power to make somewhat of a change in the world around me. I like making others laugh because it brings people together and can help make light of the dark times.


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