CSEUB - We're Broke, So Let's Keep Hiring

According to a CSUEB December 2011 Communique, the following positions were filled:

July 2011
Student services professional I, Planning and Enrollment Management
Administrative support coordinator, University Advancement
Lieutenant, University Police Department
Interim president, President’s Office
Interim vice president, Administration and Finance

August 2011
Information technology consultant, User Support Services
Head track coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
Student services professional III, Student life and Leadership
Student services professional III, Accessibility Services
Interim associate vice president, Human Resources

September 2011
Instructional support tech, Nursing
Assistant water polo coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
Interim director, Center for STEM Education
Track coaching assistant, Intercollegiate Athletics
Administrative analyst, Academic Senate
Registered nurse, Student Health Services
Assistant baseball coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
Director, Server Operations Services
Assistant softball coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
Assistant baseball coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
Athletic trainer, Intercollegiate Athletics
Head baseball coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
Administrative support coordinator, Continuing and International Education
Student services professional II, Nursing
Associate vice president, Information Technology Applications and Support

October 2011
Interim director of Campus Information Services, Administrative Applications
Administrative support coordinator, College of Education and Allied Studies
Student services professional I, Planning and Enrollment Management

Let's tally up the score:
7 - Administrators
11 - Administrative staff
1 - Medical staff
1 - Police staff
8 - Athletic and coaching staff, and

ZERO - Instructors

While CSUEB has hired 28 new people, it doesn't seem to be educating anybody. It seems to have managed to hire even more administrators to manage their way into, err, I mean out of, the current fiscal mess. Salary information for these positions is unavailable. Plus we must have some great sports teams!

Go Pioneers!


  1. This was crazy to me when I read this. I knew that there was a lack of teachers and there were a lot of administrators, but I didn't know it was to this degree. East Bay shouldn't need this many administrators and administrative assistants along with the ones that we already have. East Bay needs more instructors because there are more and more students every year coming here, and there are less and less teachers. We are all paying thousands of dollars each quarter for education, but instead that money is being used to hire people that don't really benefit our education in the end. If East Bay wants our administration to be better at their job then they should be using some money to educate them about their job, instead of using more money than necessary to hire more people to do this job. Hopefully East Bay sees that this is just as crazy as it sounds.

    - Briana Danielson

  2. This is absolutely ridiculous to read and disappointing. We have hired all of these administrators yet we are cutting Teacher salaries and eliminating classes every year because of budget cuts. Schools are crowded and harder to get into now days because their arent enough classes and teachers. We have people on waiting lists for two years for Nursing programs because we dont have the funds to support more classes so we keep hiring more administration help? Why? What do we need more administration help for when their arent as many students and classing taking place as there used to be? This to me is unfair and insane that this is where the money is going when we could be using it to add more classes for students and more teachers to teach them. It's sad that this is where we are deciding to invest instead of the investing for current and future students that are trying to get an education.

  3. It is absolutely unbelievable to see the direction in which CSU East bay is headed. As students, we are having to pay more and more money each quarter because of how fast the tuition is being increased. I am furious to find out that the school has enough money to hire 8 new sport coaches when they are cutting double the amount of classes each quarter. How is it that the school has so much money to higher new staff members yet no money to hire more instructors? We students pay thousands of dollars for higher education, not for sport coaches who are only benefiting a small number of athletes. As an ITM major student, it is unfair for myself that I am paying so much money to attend CSU East Bay when there are no courses being offered next quarter for the classes I have left to complete. Everyone should be aware of what decisions are being made by our dean and our directors because it is clear that the money the school has is being misused and the only people being effected are students.

  4. Every year tuition increases, the school becomes more and more impacted making it difficult to get classes yet administration finds it necessary to hire 28 more staff, which none are instructors, I think its safe to say that East Bay has a twisted perspective on how to better education. If the school claims to be broke then why hire anyone, you're broke doesn't that mean you don't have any money? I can't stand that as a student the price of tuition is constantly increasing every year and the quality of my education isn't getting any better and neither are the instructors. To make it worse the school is becoming impacted so when it comes time to register for a classes it's really difficult to get the classes you need and this just prolongs our graduation date. Why would a university even hire staff that don't contribute to education? What the school needs are instructors and more offered classes, this would actually be extremely beneficial to most students as oppose to the athletic coaching staff, not everyone on campus is an athlete. What are administrators and administrator staff and what do they even do? The entire situation is just sad, administration at this university needs to re-strategize and start thinking about ways to actually help their students.

  5. CSU East Bay was not greatly impacted until recently. tuition fees have increased by a large amount and not too many students are happy with it. The hiring of administrators should be cut, for they are not helping students learn or advancing our education. I believe more proffersors should be hired in order to fullfil the amount of students that are attending East Bay. If this problem is not taken care of, then the entire school will be at risk with money issues. As a current freshman at East Bay I want to make sure the money I am paying is used well for meaningful purposes.


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