Rhetoric: Logos

The rhetoric of logos is based on what it sounds like: logic. According to Aristotle it is supported by "proof, or apparent proof, provided by the words of the speech [or text] itself." It is the use of argumentation and rational appeals based on facts, case studies, statistics, anecdotes, experiments, logical reasoning, and analogies. Think of toothpaste commercials that claim "Nine out of ten dentists recommend Crust because studies show it prevents cavities."

Strong arguments should have a balance of ethos (ethical appeals), pathos (emotional appeals), and logos (rational appeals). Logic often seems like the most convincing element of an argument, but many times the listener has to depend on the ethos of the speaker in order to believe the logos of his or her argument. In other words, you have to take the writer's word for it, whatever "it" may be.

McDonald's is not immune to rational appeals. There has to be some logic in our choice to eat there. Watch this commercial and think about how McDonald's uses logos to get customers to buy their product.

How is McDonald's using logos in this commercial? Think about how food advertisers use logos to sell their products. Is the food nutritious, easy to eat, easy to clean up? What is McDonald's saying about their fast food?

If you were an advertising executive, where would you position these commercials? To what demographic would you appeal?


  1. This ad related to the happy image that McDonald try to show us about the breakfast, the little boy wear yellow sportswear and doing mechanical dance just conform the uncle McDonald's hip-hop image. Really a GJ

  2. I absolutely love this little kid! He definitely makes the viewer want to watch until the end. I find it amazing how advertisers know what will draw peoples attention, such as an adorable little boy dancing and lip singing.

  3. McDonalds used a little kid with the help of "funky fresh music" to sell their product. Mcdonalds is advertising their new apples with included sauces. The audience was the little boy's family but more specifically the father of this boy because he started dancing along slowly rocking his body side to side with the music as he was amazed and shocked at how the little boy dressed, ate, and flowed to the music. McDonalds is promoting a more healthier look and that kids dont always have to have french fries or chicken nuggets. Also, the apple was easy to eat and not messy at all;in fact, the little boy left the table quite rapidly without clean his mouth and fingers.

  4. Afsoon Osmani

    In this Particular McDonald's commercial, McDonald's is trying to advertise their happy meals, by showing how the little kid enjoyed his food. It shows that now there is a healthier replacement to french fries which is the apples, which is easy to eat and nutritious. It also shows its quality of food by showing the different types of sauces and milk. So its obvious that McDonald's is trying to promote their food by showing the nutrition of the food and the enjoyment of the little kid. It also shows that even the parents admire the choice of the kids, which is the happy meal very easy and clean to eat. This commercial would be in an urban type of demographic area, because its use of the music, the boom box and the Urban style clothing. So McDonald's definitely did a good job in promoting their commercial and getting their message or point across.

  5. If I was the owner of McDonalds, I would air the majority of the commercials towards children channels because that’s how you grab hold of children parents to purchase your product. The air time would air from 9am till 6pm everyday day and on family channels. Before I ask myself demographic, I would have to ask myself questions such as whom buying your product, what age are you going to target, why do you think your product will sell. In this particular commercial `you have a young boy who is dancing to the cha cha slide, which is a very old song in the early 2,000’s. What I saw that caught my attention a little boy dancing and it’s a McDonalds commercials let me see what they’re selling new. McDonalds shows family eating dinner together and how their son comes in with his big stereo. The family appear to look at their son and very funny way, there face expressions are so funny, son what are you doing? Nutrition reality is good because they show how you can eat a kid’s meal with fruit instead of fries.

  6. If I was the adviser for a McDonald's corporation I would air these commercials every where because the are appealing to the eye, and can relate to everyone, adults would find it entertaining, children would find it imitate able. It is overall relatable source of information that appeals to the entire family. It does not have only one demographic. I would position these commercials on family channels and children channels, like disney abc, family, etc. most likely from 10 am until 4pm when most children get home and then again from 8 pm till 11 pm when most parents get home from work. This advertisement really caught my eye because it fits todays society and is relatable with the music choice.

  7. McDoalds just hit another all time low by trying to relate a McDonalds meal to a hip hop scene. In my opinion, all McDonalds does in their advertisments is try to manipulate the consumer into buying their horrific product. For example, the child shows signs of being in nirvana when he bites into his apple slice. Now, if kids see that they will immediatly run to their parents and kick and scream until they get their processed apple slices and feel like that kid felt in the ad.

  8. McDonalds is using their logos to show off their product in the commercial by having a regular all american upper middle class family featured eating a mcdonalds meal together. They have the young son come in with his music blarring while dancing to the table. When he sits down he starts eating the McDonalds apples, which is their substitution for their high calorie/fat french fries. They are trying to portray McDonalds as being healthy when we all know that is not the case but it is one of their marketing tricks to convince people to buy their product. Their target audience in this commercial is the middle working class, who probably more than not, doesn't always have time to make a home cooked dinner for thier families. McDonalds is trying to say, "Hey, we offer nutritional items at our restaurants for your family on days you just need something quick and dont have time to cook!" But everyone knows that when you go to McDonalds, you dont order their apples with carmel sauce instead of fries, you order the "good stuff"; A big Mac Meal Supersized! There advertising is smart and actually works because people see what they want to see. It's also funny and is appealing to all different ages. McDonalds advertising always has comical themes to it and connects with their target audience, the middle/lower working class.

  9. Happy While Eating a Happy Meal

    McDonalds is usually a fast food place known for its burgers and fries, in other words a very unhealthy place to go to for lunch. However, in this commercial, through the use of logos appeal, McDonalds promotes the new, healthier version of the happy meal. The meal contains a pack of apples with caramel dips for it, which is really out of the norm of the daily fries and fattening nuggets. The kid is dressed very "hipped" with his exercise clothing and he is dancing very happily while eating the meal. This promotes that while eating this happy meal, you can be healthy as well and very energetic. In addition, while the rest of the family is sitting quietly eating their hamburgers, they look very depressed and bored. With the new happy meal, kids seem to eat happier than their parents and it brings happiness to the whole family. Moreover, from the advertisement, the company tries to deliver the message to the audience that from eating the new happy meal, kids will have a great time, be very energetic, and be very cool and "hipped." So if people want to join in the "party" they should buy the new happy meal. The best part about the advertisement is that it appeals to everyone of all ages and the music has a very good beat. It grasps the audiences' attention and it promotes an appealing, happy atmosphere so it makes the person watching it want to buy the meal.

  10. I totally remember watching this a long time ago! At first, I was confused (but entertained) about the message they were trying to get out to the public. All I knew was that most of McDonald’s commercials were mainly focused to grab the attention of children and their children. Now, from a literary standpoint, they portray strong pathos. I think the emotional message parents see in the commercial is that McDonald’s happy meals would make their children happy (I’ve never met a kid who wasn’t). I guess ethos kind of plays a role here too because it’s only right for a parent to make and keep their child happy and care-free. As for the logos side of the argument, some of their commercials do include health benefits they claim their food has; apples for kids, the salad options, fresh smoothies, etc. One last statement I have about McDonald’s is that it does cater to its customer and they provide fast service (which they are supposed to be doing anyway).

  11. This commercial is very entertaining with music and dancing but the message behind it is not good. The commercial is focused mainly on a dancing little boy, so when other children see the commercial they want to be just as happy. When a child at home sees a good happy family eating Mc'Donald's they want the same thing, so the advertisement will want to make the child want it so bad that they will go throw a fit until they get those nuggets and apple slices. Mc'Donald's has the worst food nutrition and that is why they only use the apple slices and milk the most. They never focus on the main food, which are the mcnuggets. The commercial does a very good job on advirtising because the music and dancing catches peoples attention and is appropriate for all ages watching television. The logo is very clear and is able to be recognized by children and adults.

  12. companies are coming up with different ways on how to pursuade the the consumer to buy their products. even though mcdonald's isn't healthy this commercial actually makes me feel like getting up and going to buy some mcdonald's. they use a lot of logos to connect with their audience.


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