Top Five Résumé Mistakes

Your résumé is your first impression. It should be tailored to fit every potential employer. It says, "This is my best work," which won't get you far if you make these mistakes.

1. Typos/Grammar mistakes
Many companies cull the résumé herd by round filing those with misspelled words or blatant grammar mistakes. So double check it, better yet, get someone to proofread it.

2. Weird Blog or Social Networking site
For some industries, a blog presence is a must. So if you are listing your blog on your résumé, make sure it isn't called, "". While most people don't list their Facebook page on their résumé, most companies will Google you. It is a cheap way to check on potential employees (and, no, it is not illegal). If you don't want your parents or siblings to see your Facebook page, you need to update it ASAP!

3. Lying
Why isn't this number 1? Because first you'll be Googled, and then it will take some phone calls to verify your employment or educational history, so do NOT embellish job experience or schooling. Do NOT lie about your skills. Do NOT create a fake company with a friend who is your reference (the laughing in the back ground always gives this away).

4. Incorrect/Inappropriate Contact Information
Seriously? Need I explain? Make sure that you check and update your phone and email information. If your email address is "" or "" change it.

5. Weird hobbies
Everyone is entitled to do whatever they want on their free time, but some hobbies are weirder than others. Here's a sampling of weird but true hobbies that you probably shouldn't list on your résumé: playing dead and then photographing it, appearing in the background on live television, collecting ecstasy pills, and suing people/companies.

Every time you send out your résumé, read it for accuracy and then check it against the job qualifications of a potential employer. There may be some things you need to adjust or add.

Happy Job Hunting!


  1. This blog talks about the 5 things that should not be on a resume. A resume is your first impression on the employer and you don't want to make a mistake or be dishonest with them. That would clearly hurt your chances of getting a job in that company. Making a grammar mistake is the first thing that one should not do in a resume because the employer won't even read your essay if it has mistakes. Lying and having incorrect contact information is also in the top 5 resume mistakes. They will Google you and find out everything about you so there is no point in lying. On your resume, don't put a link to a weird blog post or don't put any weird hobbies because those are some things that can hurt your chances of getting the job. I think it's better to just keep that stuff to yourself.

  2. The article “Top Five Résumé Mistakes” has helped on giving me the good idea on what I should look out for when typing mine. This is a good outline of what not to do, and its helpful to double check my own to avoid those mistakes. It’s for your own benefit to not include the kinds of things that would be considered inappropriate for the web. Its never encouraged to lie on a résumé because your employer can easily find out if its true that you did all that you listed. Making sure that you list an appropriate and functional email will help to avoid ejection for the running of the position your striving for. The last thing that you shouldn’t do is list strange hobbies because you don’t want to scare off your employer by stating strange things you do on your free time. Making sure its mistake free is imperative and for your benefit, on a national average of résumés turned in to employers 80% have grammar mistakes. Always mold your résumé that you will provide an employer and make sure that it is crafted around the company’s expectation and beliefs. Try to strive towards the mission statement that they use and see if you can place yourself somewhere in it.

  3. This article was extremely helpful because nowadays it is very hard to get a job and your resume describes you as a person and how good or bad of a worker you will be. For example spelling mistakes in a resume can say many things like that you are lazy because you did not check your work and that you probably do not care about the tasks on the job you just want to make your money and go home. My wonderful english teacher has told us that if there are spelling mistakes on your resume then your resume will be thrown out because you were to lazy to correct your mistakes which is an incredibly small mistake that can cost you a job.

  4. I made my first resume with a teacher while I was in high school. This resume has been very helpful for me since the day I created it. I was taught how to write a resume when the economy was even worse, and jobs were few and far in-between. That said, my resume is still quite basic, and I have only changes small details over the years. This article points out some important key facts. One maintaining correct grammar on their resume is a given. This is the same with filling out application in the way that someone should always write their best. In an application one should clearly write in pen and spell everything correct. I think if someone cannot take the effort to check if they misspelled a few words, then it shows they may not out effort into the job they are applying for. The point of having an appropriate e-mail address I have heard before many times. This does make sense, because when someone is starting out at a job they should appear more sophisticated and put together, rather than wild. Also, the blog is a good idea. A blog would show that someone puts effort into something beneficial in their spare time. I really wonder how many people making a resume would write about any weir hobbies, when creating a resume is all about making a better impression than someone else trying to get the job too. And the lying on the resume is one thing that I think more young adults would do because they may not have as much background or references than those who have been out in the working world longer.A resume is something everyone should have.

  5. A resume is a very important document for getting a job. This article is very useful for people getting a part time job because employers are looking for well-rounded kids that can get a job done. They judge you based on your resume to get an idea of what kind of worker you are. If you misspell words or have bad grammar such as in the article, then goodluck getting that job. When I was in high school, it took me almost a summer to find a job. I made a resume but it wasn't so impressive because I didnt have any experience or I didnt have any special skills. Finally, I found a job that didnt require a resume. For my next job i will definitely follow this article and with some work experience, I think it will be easier to find a job.

  6. This article states the importance of what not to do for your resume. We need to make sure we get it done right or else we will be looked upon the supervisors (who researched us either on Google or figured out our previous job was a fake) as unacceptable material for the job. Even if resumes can be a drag writing it up, just putting some small efforts once in a while will help it become better and better every time. It helps to change the resume to fit the job you are applying to. If a hobby you enjoy that is very strange, should probably be changed to something that more appropriate.

    I have not put anything random onto my resume and I constantly update it just to make it more stand out type. But we need resumes to get a job or else it would be even more difficult for supervisors to trust us unknowingly what we did before we applied to that job.

  7. Resume are the most important thing to have while looking for a job. That is how employer remember you. If you have a good resume you are more likely to get a job then someone who has mistakes such as typos and grammar mistakes. Resumes are suppose to promote what a great fit you would be for the employer not show your flaws. In a resume you must be professional. If your questioning weather you should add something to your resume then perhaps you shouldn't. Its good that most english classes will help you develop a well organized resume. Its a good idea to always proofread you resume many times and to accommodate your resume for the job you are trying to get. By far I think the worst thing you can do is lie in a resume. You always get caught sooner or later so its better to go in completely honest and hope your skills fight the job.

  8. Resumes are extremely important, and should be taught more before college. I didn't know what a resume was, until the end of my senior year in a business class, which is pretty sad. The mistakes listed above are pretty obvious signs of what not to do. I have seen people try to change and re arrange their resume to get the job they want, even if that means falsifying it. Proofreading cannot be stressed enough on a resume. The last thing someone wants is a person who can't write properly, and is too lazy to go back and make sure it is accurate. I think resumes are a great thing. It's a first impression on your employer, and can speak a lot for you. During an interview, they may ask about it, and it's kind of like a test, to tell if they resume is really speaking for you, or if you and the resume are coming from two different angles.


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