The Great Gatsby Graphic

Did you read F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby in high school or college? Did you have a hard time keeping track of who is who? created a slick art deco Gatsby Character Map to help you keep track.

But SomethingSoSam didn't stop there, there are also some graphics of memorable Gatsby quotes, like this one:

To finish off this trilogy of visual fun, here is a video with a little bit more about the Gatsby characters . . .

A Look Into the Characters of The Great Gatsby from SomethingSoSam on Vimeo.

It's obvious this graphic artist is passionate about The Great Gatsby. Warner Brothers would be well served to hire SomethingSoSam to create the posters for their movie slated for release December 2012. It is billed as an "American 3D romantic drama film", and stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby, Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan, Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway, Joel Edgerton as Tom Buchanan and Isla Fisher as Myrtle Wilson.

Do you have a graphic art penchant? How can you use that skill when thinking about your major and future career?

What books or comics are you passionate about? What other texts could use a graphic character map like this one? What books would you like to see made into movies?


  1. Graphics are intertaining and easy to look at while understanding the content. Graphics can be used as a skill when thinking about a future carrer because it can help out in organizing ideas, understanding a text better, and comprehending while getting a better understanding of content given in different courses. I am very passionate about "Anne of Green Glabes" a novel about a young orphan girl who is later adopted by two olderly brothers and then is put to a trial and ends up staying with the brothers. A book I see can use a graphic character map is the "Golden Compass" for all the characters and places the young girls goes to, that would be helpful in understanding the text better. The book I would like to see become a movie is "Cien Anos de Soledad" a book writen by Gabriel Garcia Marques.

  2. For a book such as the Great Gatsby, with the amount of characters is portrays, a graphic map linking all the characters to one another is a very helpful way to make everything easier. old books and novels back in the time when The Great Gatsby was written, they were confusing and used slang language in some. so ghrpahic maps and vocab lists are always great to have when it comes to reading books written in earlier times.

  3. When reading this article about charactor maps, I thought it was interesting the way that they described each charactor as they told the audience how each person was related. Sure, Nick is an honest man while Jordan Baker is cynical, but thats not how I would describe them. Gatsby may have earned his money in illicit ways, but that does not mean that in all he is a dishonest man. I think a better way to describe Gatsby would be smooth, adoring. I think there is something lovable about him which the author leaves out in their few words, making it impersonal. Which leads me to the remark about Warner Brothers using SomethingSoSam to advertise the movie. Since the charactor map is impersonal, however appealing to the eye it may be, it would be illogical to use it as a tool to make people want to see a movie. The point of having big name stars in a film, especially a re-made film based off of a book, is to draw in an audience. An advertisement without faces then cuts off the average persons ability to imagine the big name stars as their beloved Daisy, or Nick. In the future, a cartooned version of the star would be a highly more effective tool, with a bit more information on their face, to reflect a charactor more accuratly for advertisement, because cartoon graphics can be aesticlly pleasing for audiences, you just have to be smart about it.

  4. The graphic art for this advertising feature on The Great Gatsby really grabs your attention and gives a quick short on the charters and the story line of the novel. I have a passion for graphic art and a history of being editor of my schools magazine and yearbook working on layouts and design. Therefore for my future career I can only imagine myself working for an Advertising company using my major in Business Advertising and PR.

    I consider myself as a book worm, I love to sit down with a good novel especially by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Although recently I stumbles across a book called Perks of Being a Wallflower wich is a personal narrative that I fell in love with and have read multiple times since I discovered it. I can see this novel having a character map like SomethingSoSam created for The Great Gatsby. Ironically Perks of Being a Wallflower was recently turned into a major motion picture staring Emma Watson who is perfect for the part of Sam.

    -Anna Froemming

  5. There are many books out there that I'm sure a lot of people would LOVE to have adapted. For me it happens to be "Goodnight Moon" a classic children's book about telling the moon, stars, and mice that live under each of our houses goodnight and eventually falling asleep ourselves. Wouldn't we all just kill to sit back and eventually fall asleep from a movie that dictates goodnight procedures and just another way that parents tricked their kids into falling asleep quickly so they themselves can go off to do whatever. Obviously I'm just joking here, haha. On a more serious note, i would love for a book titled "The Giver" to be produced into a movie. The movie is so in depth and really made me think about life for a very long time and why things work the way they do. It also gave me some insight as to whether or not there was a parallel universe out there where all these things that happened in the book were actually taking place. As you can imagine this annoyed me for a few reasons. The first being that i was in 8th grade and the only thing i was actually afraid of was how scary going into high school the next year was going to be. The book really get's into the mind of readers, which i didn't appreciate due to the fact that controlling my thoughts wasn't even something i had come close to mastering.This book could definitely prosper from a graphic character map. I believe it would not only let people understand the overall message of the story, which is actually quite challenging for those who've read the book, but also because it would soar in the box offices. Also if someone that works with Hollywood and is a producer sees this, i claim the rights to this IDEA, not the book and not the future movie, just the idea....which means i also claim my cut from the profits.

  6. I loved the book the Great Gatsby. I read it in high school and enjoyed every minute of it. However, it was pretty confusing figuring out who everyone was. This chart would of definitely helped out while reading the book. Wish I had this during my English class in high school. Jay Gatsby was like my idol when I was reading this, he was very mysterious and a curious man that had wealth and I thought I wanted to be just like him. Then I figured out how dishonest he was and how he became rich, through "dirty money" and I decided that I didn't want to idolize myself after a monster like himself. Still this is one of my favorite books with a ton of love triangles mixed and mashed up throughout the book.

  7. The Great Gatsby was a cool book. I read it my junior year in high school. I found the book to have stereotypical rich people. Not really giving a crap about anyone else but themselves. I found one of the characters Daisy to be very similar to Clarisse from Fahrenheit 451. They both seem out there and odd. My friends and I would make jokes about how much it would suck to have her as a gf. If that was the case, and I was in the car when she killed Mrytle, I would calmly open the door, get out, and run for my life. I would then be preparing for a divorce because this girl is crazy and might kill me too.

  8. The Great Gatsby was such a great movie. I had never seen the older movie or read the book before, so when I did watch it I thought it was such a great plot. The chacters were all perfect for the roles that they played. Jay Gatsby really made me look at life and made me think that as long as I keep pushing , I can get where I wasn't to be in life. he came from nowhere and that's how I am now. And how he went through his love triangle, I've been through similar situation. This movie really just made me think about life and how no matter what you do it'll always come to the light. But never give up on life, no matter how hard it gets.

  9. This graphic map helps me get better idea about the characters from the greatest Gatsby. It would be more helpful if I saw this map earlier or when I was reading this novel !!

  10. While I was in high school I was on my schools yearbook staff, which required the use and knowledge of Photoshop and Indesign. Out of the three years I was on the staff I found a passion for Photoshop.As of putting my use of Photoshop to use in the business world, I think I can apply it when making business plans or power points.One of my favorite books that would tie well with a graphic character map would be the Hunger Games trilogy; there are a lot of characters that interact with one another which at times can become confusing so making a graphic map would make understanding the books a lot easier. The author and Lionsgate have come together and have successfully created two movies our of the three.

  11. Although I did not read the book for Great Gatsby I truly enjoyed the movie. It did get a little confusing at times and looking back at the map, it not only helps me remember the movie but the characters and their roles. I personally do not have any skills in the graphic arts but I would love to see a graphic character map for Games of Thrones. I love the series that were made and like any good book / movie, you can get lost in whats happening. Game of Thrones is a mixture of different stories being brought into one. I would love to see what SomethingSoSam could come up with.


  12. I saw the Great Gatsby in theatres and I personally loved it. I hate how Leonardo DiCaprio always dies in water. I think Avatar needs a character map I thought that movie was so long and confusing. It was like 3 hours and all the characters looked alike. I want to work in Merchandise Marketing so I imagine i’ll have to be able to work with designers and have an artistic eye. I don’t have much of a background with photoshop and artistic skills. I can’t draw to save my life but I want to take a class on how to use photoshop, because I think it would be useful in my career and I would just love to know how to use it.

  13. I did have a graphic art penchant because there are too many words in the book that I did not recognize. For a long time in the U.S, my brain is subjected to visual communication. As I am accumulating vocabularies, art penchant became less intriguing. I have never read the book The Great Gatsby, but the movie gave me a clear map of relationships among the characters. These connections, to think a lot about, are subtly exquisite. In fact, this is the first movie that I think about whenever I think the two-sidedness of personality, how are the "good's" and the "bad's" of people interlace with other people's good
    s and bad's. Some harmonic; some fatal.

  14. When I read the Great Gatsby in high school, I found that I often have a hard time remembering the significance of certain characters and sometimes mixed up the relationships. Most of the time, I would power through and continue reading, and eventually ingrain into my head who was who and what relationships were important. However, since I myself have a love for the arts, I did sketch out some characters and create webs to help me remember for the first few chapters until I can gain my footing and no longer need assistance. I have done this to other books such as Beloved by Toni Morrison and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Reading books with many characters oftentimes makes me want to seek out some sort of visual, and since I like to draw, I often create them myself. I find it as a nice compromise between studying and sketching, and a great method to learning something new.


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